

null Charlas del Profesor Luis Miralles, de la Universidad Técnica de Dublín

Charlas del Profesor Luis Miralles, de la Universidad Técnica de Dublín

El profesor Luis Miralles, de la Universidad Técnica de Dublín, estará la semana que viene, del 25 de octubre, en una visita gracias a una beca del programa TALENTO 2021 de la UMU, que financia ayudas para la realización de estancias breves de investigadores procedentes de universidades o centros de investigación extranjeros en la UMU.

Se han organizado dos charlas en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad:

  •  La primera será el miércoles 27 a las 16:00 hrs, y tiene por título "What to do after obtaining a degree in Computer Science? Industry, Ph.D. studies, academy, and more", y está orientada a alumnos de la FIUM (especialmente los de Grado).
  • La segunda será el viernes 29 a las 12:30 hrs, y tiene por título "Reinforcement Learning for managing COVID-19 Pandemics", y está enmarcada en el Máster de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Informática, principalmente destinada a los alumnos del grado y máster así como a profesores de la facultad con interés en esta temática de la IA.

Una breve reseña del ponente: Dr. Luis Miralles decided to start a Ph.D. in 2012 on creating new approaches within the Online Advertising world. While his Ph.D., he got familiar with ML, and he published a good number of papers on topics related to applying ML to online advertising. After finishing the Ph.D., he worked in postdoc levels I and II in CeADAR, UCD, and there he published in Digital Forensic conference and won the prize for the best student paper. Dr. Luis Miralles is currently an assistant Lecturer at TU Dublin. His favorite topic is how to apply Reinforcement Learning to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and plan the containing levels considering both public health and the economy. Lastly, he has expertise in human activity recognition and generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL).

Luis Miralles is a graduate student from the University of Murcia (Spain) in Computer Engineering and specializing in Artificial intelligence. He also holds a Master's Degree in Computer Security from the International University of La Rioja (Spain). Additionally, he has a Ph.D. in Machine Learning applied to online advertising at the University of Murcia. He worked as a full-time Professor/Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City for three and a half years. He has worked on issues related to machine learning and data science since 2013 and has published extensively on these topics. Before entering academia, he created several internet portals. Moreover, he was responsible for the technological part of Project Digitum (—a Java-based digital repository for managing research documents of the University of Murcia (Spain).