Newsletter 8 HRS4R UMU



Newsletter HRS4R-UMU nº8

UMU Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

HRS4R Online Seminars in the University of Murcia cycle

During 2023, actions 16 and 23 of the 2022-2025 Action Plan are being implemented. The two actions consist in carrying out cycles of seminars targeted at both the Teaching and Research Staff and the Administration and Services Staff of the University.

The two seminar cycles are as follows:

1) HRS4R online seminars at the University of Murcia (Action 16):

The purpose of this cycle of seminars, in the framework of the implementation of the HRS4R seal in our institution, is to inform the university community about the benefits it represents for our institution.

The first seminar, entitled "Implementation of the HRS4R logo and its benefits for the organisation" was inaugurated by the rector of the University of Murcia (UMU), José Luján Alcaraz on 15 March. This session focused on the benefits of implementing the European Logo for Human Resources for Researchers (HRS4R) at the University of Murcia. The objective of the session was to present the HRS4R UMU Action Plan, actions that have already been implemented, actions that are in progress and those that are expected to be implemented between now and June 2025.

- Event website
- Recording
- Press release

The next HRS4R Online Seminars at the University of Murcia planned for 2023 are the following:

  • Seminar: Good Practices in Research in the framework of the HRS4R Seal. Thursday 22 June 2023, from 13.00 to 14.00 hours
  • Seminar: Open Science and Open Data in Research. Thursday 2 November 2023, 13.00 to 14.00 hours

2) HRS4R Online Seminars on Career Development in Research (Action 23)

This online seminar's cycle offers specific and regular training sessions on career development opportunities in research for R1-R4 researchers at UMU.

The cycle begins on 11 May at 13:00 and will be attended by Patricia Forcén, a researcher linked to the mentoring programme of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK), where she has carried out these tasks as a volunteer and also formed part of the Women in Science Committee.

Under the title "The role of mentoring in the professional research career", she will show different research career options in different organisational and geographical contexts and will explain the usefulness of mentoring programmes for professional development, based on her experience as a mentor.

More information and registration

The next HRS4R Research Career Webinars planned for 2023 are the following:

  • Seminar: Mentoring for teaching and research staff.  Thursday 14 September 2023, 13.00 - 14.00 hours
  • Seminar: International mobility for teaching and research staff. Thursday 14 December 2023, 13.00 - 14.00 hours

Novelties included in the HRS4R UMU website

HRS4R UMU website contents have recently added and updated:

- Professional Career (explore your career options), the "Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance! (6th edition)", published by fecyt last January 2023, has been included.

- PDI welcome guide (new research staff): Inclusion of news on "Conditions of incorporation for foreign nationals with contracts regulated in Law 17/2022".

- EIDUM's academic offer updated 2022-2023

What is the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R?

As a reminder... The HRS4R strategy is a European Commission tool to support universities and research institutions and research funding organisations to implement the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, aimed to contribute to the development of an attractive European labour market for researchers.

The University of Murcia (UMU), signed up to the principles described in the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" in 2013.

Since 2018, UMU has been working to define the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R), which highlighted the institutional commitment to promote and improve recruitment, working conditions and research careers, thus contributing to the development of the European Research Area.

This process culminated in the award of the quality seal granted by the European Commission "HR Excellence in Research" on 2 June 2020, recognising the University of Murcia as an institution which creates and supports the existence of a stimulating and favourable environment for research work.

Since then, the UMU has been developing an Action Plan that incorporates multiple measures that seek to achieve excellence in human resources and that will come to an end in 2025.

Source: Horizonte Europa Youtube Channel

Nexts steps:

Implementation of the remaining Actions defined in the updated Action Plan (2022-2025).

At April 2023, the following actions are being worked on:

- Action 6: Creation of a general merit model rule that can be downloaded by those responsible for the selection processes and which contemplates the aspects recommended in the code. In progress

- Action 11: Improvement of the document on "recommendations/good practices in the performance of the selection boards for official staff", which could be extended/adapted to the recruitment of staff assigned to research projects. It will be provided in Spanish and English. In progress.

- Action 15: Redesigning of the training offer for doctoral students at the UMU. In progress.

- Action 16: Training sessions on the HRS4R Seal of ExcellenceStarted.

- Action 19: Opening of an e-mail box/contact form for questions about the HRS4R. Implemented.

- Action 23: Training sessions on the Research Development CareerStarted.

As for the first Action Plan, the indicators defined in the updated Action Plan will be the tool used to assess progress during the implementation phase of the actions defined in the updated document

Follow-up meetings of the Management Committee will be held every 3 months and monitoring meetings of the Steering Committee every 6 months.

Date: April 2023

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