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NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
ValueThe value displayed by the element.A constant or variable of type double or int.-
MinimumThe minimum value that can be displayed.A constant or variable of type double or int.-
MaximumThe maximum value that can be displayed.A constant or variable of type double or int.-
StepThe step value.A constant or variable.-
ShowTextWhether to show text.A constant or variable.-
TextWidthThe width of the text.A constant or variable.-
FormatThe format used to display the value, i.e., the number of decimal digits with which to display the value.Use format like 0.0 with one or more zeros after the point, or 0.00E00 for scientific notation.-
DisabledWhether the element is disabled.A constant or variable.-
OnChangeThe action to invoke when the element is pressed.The JavaScript code to invoke for the action.-
OnReleaseThe action to invoke when the element is released.The JavaScript code to invoke for the action.-
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
VisibilityThe visibility of the element.Boolean variable or constants true or false.true
DisplayDisplay style, can use "none," "inline-block," etc.Boolean variable or constants true or false."block"
WidthWidth in pixels (e.g., 400px) or percentage (e.g., 100%).-400px
HeightHeight in pixels (e.g., 300px) or viewport height (e.g., 90vh).-300px
BackgroundThe background color for the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.--
ForegroundThe color to use when drawing or writing in the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.--
FontThe font used to display text in the element. Use the editor provided to select name, style, and size of the font.-"normal normal 10px "
TooltipText displayed when the mouse is over the element.String constant or variable.-
ClassNameClass name.String constant or variable.-
LabelCSSLabelCSS.String constant or variable.-
RangeCSSRangeCSS.String constant or variable.-
CSSCSS.String constant or variable.-
WhiteSpaceWhite space.String constant or variable.-
TransformTransform.String constant or variable.-
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Page last modified on October 23, 2023, at 05:25 AM