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Available in the IO Elements palette of the Interface group.)

An ArrayPanel displays an array. The model changes the values in the 1D or 2D Data property and the array display is updated.



Property values in the ArrayPanel inspector.

NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
DataArrayThe data for the element, e.g., an array of double values, for example: [1,0,0],[2,0,0],[3,0,0],[4,0,0],[5,0,0],[6,0,0],[7,0,0?].double[][] (array of arrays)
TransposedWhether to transpose the array.A boolean variable or one of the constants true or false. 
EditableWhether the displayed value can be changed, usually true.A Boolean variable or one of the constants true or false. 
OnChangeAction.Code to run when Array is edited 
Graphical Aspect
NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
ColumnsWidthWidth of Columns example [40,80,80?].array of pixel of Width 
HeadersTextHeader Top Row Text [`n`,`x`, `y`?].String [] 
CellsFormatFormat of Cells in '0.00' 2 decimal places display or 'a.bcdefg' for scientific display.String []. 
HeaderCSSThe first row number to display.An integer value. 
CellsCSS The horizontal alignment of the text.  
Visible The visibility of the element.A boolean variable or one of the constants true or false. 
Display The visibility of the element.A boolean variable or one of the constants true or false. 
Width The width of the column, example "100%".  
Height The width of the column, example "100%"  
BodyHeight The height of the column say "100%".  
EditableBkgdThe background color for the element when it is editable.Use the editor provided or read about colors. 
NonEditableBkgdThe background color for the element when it is non-editable.Use the editor provided or read about colors. 
BackgroundThe background color for the data say "LightGray".Use the editor provided or read about colors. 
ForegroundThe color for the data text.Use the editor provided or read about colors. 
FontThe font used to display text in the element for example "normal normal 2vw "Use the editor provided to select name, style and size of the font. 
TooltipText displayed when the mouse is over the element.A string constant or variable. 
ClassNamevariable to reference it say "dataTable"A string. 
CSSCSS to apply.Object. 

Further examples

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Page last modified on October 04, 2023, at 09:16 AM