Organizational Structure and Working Groups


In order to carry out the initial phase, a Working Group has been created made up of members from different units of the University of Murcia: a representative of the Management, a representative of Human Resources, a representative of the Research Area, a representative of the Doctoral School, a representative of OPERUM, a representative of Quality and a representative of Teaching Staff.

This Working Group worked under the supervision of a Steering Committee, composed of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, the Manager, the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer, the Vice-Rector for Quality, Culture and Communication, the Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff and the Coordinator for International Projects and Research Strategies. 


Throughout the process, the occasional support of groups considered necessary for the implementation of this initiative will be required and will be organised in Focus Groups. One of them will be formed by Researchers (R1 to R4, classified according to the stage of their research career).

For the implementation phase, the initial structure is maintained with a change in the name of the Working Group to Management Committee.


The working scheme and structure followed so far has proven to work, so the initial organisational chart is maintained. New administrative areas of UMU have been incorporated into the Steering Committee and the Management Committee, since the actions of the updated Action Plan (2022-2025) require it.


At the end of 2023, the structure of the Steering Committee and the working group will be as follows:

EN3Updated: January 2024