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Unpack the distribution. It will create a new folder/directory called "EJS_X.X" (where X.X stands for the current version, such as "EJS_4.2"), and that folder/directory will contain: the file "EjsConsole.jar", and three folders/directories: "bin", "doc", and "workspace".

  • Do not alter any files within the folder/directory called "bin", and do not change the name of the folder/directory called "bin". The "bin" folder/directory contains the library files for EJS.
  • Similarly, do not touch the folder/directory called "doc". The "doc" directory contains a copy of this Wiki.
  • The folder/directory called "workspace" contains a sample work area. The concept of an EJS workspace is discussed here.

Note when reinstalling EJS: If you need to reinstall EJS, or upgrade to a newer version of it, follow the same procedure to unpack the new EJS bundle. You may want to make a backup copy of the existing "workspace/source" folder/directory in the installation directory (not your personal one) if you did changes to the sample simulation files included in it. There is no problem in overwriting previous copies of the "bin", "doc", or other folders/directories under "workspace", and the "EjsConsole.jar" file.

If you need to install Java, go to The current version of EJS requires JRE 1.5 or later. (Note that only the Java Runtime Environment [JRE] is needed; the Java Development Kit [JDK] contains JRE as well as other things which are not needed to run EJS.)

  • For Windows, download the JRE installer; it is available in both online (smaller initial download size) and offline (self-contained) versions.
  • MacOS X comes with a fully configured and ready-to-use Java Development Kit. But it can be updated regularly. To this end, visit the Mac OS X update page for Java.
  • For Linux/Unix environment details of how to obtain JRE vary from distribution to distribution, so no generic instructions can be given.

EJS and 64 bits Windows 7 Yes, EJS works with 64 bit Windows 7. However, there can be complications because there are 32 and 64 bit Java Virtual machines (VM) for Windows. Firefox, for example, needs the 32 bit VM to run applets because it is a 32 bit program. We recommend that users only install the 32 bit VM unless they are very knowledgeable.

We use both the 32 bit and 64 bit Java VM and they work fine. In our installation, when one double clicks on a jar file, the 32 bit VM is used. But when one starts EJS, the 64 bit VM is used. Getting Java 3D installed in both VMs in a pain in the rear end. The are two different versions of Java 3D and they don't seem to find the correct VM so one may be forced to install some files by hand.

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Page last modified on October 21, 2010, at 07:10 PM