Otra información de interés del Máster Universitario en Bioinformática


null Master thesis or Internship (Heidelberg)

Sum up :

- Tasks : Project oriented work in different fields ranging from
question driven research in molecular cell biology, systems biology to
software and instrument development projects
- Location: ZMBH, Heidelberg University
- Required skills : dependent on the field and topic
- Duration : 2 to 6 Months
- Working environment : Very friendly, in close collaboration with
researcher: molecular scientists, software engineers, physicists,
- Job hours : Full-time
- Salary : 400-600 EUR

University of Heidelberg

The laboratory of Prof. Dr. Michael Knop at the Center for Molecular
Biology (ZMBH) from the University of Heidelberg in Germany is
offering positions for motivated students for Master thesis or
internships (> 3-4 months) with excellent programming skills.
Interested students with a background in physics, mathematics,
informatics, biology, or bioinformatics are welcome to apply. The
students will work under supervision of software engineers and
physicists. She/He will work on one of the projects in the lab, which
can range from microscopy development, image analysis pipelines,
software projects, biological data mining etc. Please read some of our
papers to get an impression what we do.

What we deliver:

The applicant will find a stimulating academic environment with
biologists, physicists and developers working together on systems
biology and imaging projects. Our lab features several state of the
art microscopes and an excellent computing infrastructure that has
resulted in several high-profile publications. Some funding to allow
for basic costs of living is available.

Please send your resume with a cover letter to Michael Knop :

Proposal link : http://www.knoplab.de/?post_type=open_position&p=159