Jornadas Arte, Poder y Género

Presentations and Papers

To participate in these conferences interested researchers should send an email to with the title "PROPUESTA COMUNICACIÓN + YOUR NAME AND SURNAME". They must attach a summary (maximum 350 words) and a short CV (maximum 250 words). Until February 25.

The acceptance or rejection of the proposal will be communicated to the applicant via email on March 1.

Predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers can present their proposals to the different tables:

  1. Architectural patronage
  2. Art and devotion
  3. Art and legitimation of power
  4. Paintings and painters at the service of Juana
  5. Sumptuary arts in the inventories of the regent queen
  6. The curious and the exotic in the court of Juana
  7. Literature in the court of Juana.