Description – Projects

The teaching innovation projects of the University of Murcia pursue, fundamentally, the following objectives:


  • Promote teaching in distance or blended learning modalities in masters and doctoral studies.
  • Promote the use of new teaching methodologies such as the inverted classroom.
  • To promote the use of gamification activities in the classroom.
  • Promote the efficient use of technologies in virtual teaching for learning in connected environments.
  • In the context of new technologies, promote mobile learning (M-learning).
  • Promote interdisciplinary projects and collaboration with companies and other social agents.
  • Promote innovative teaching actions outside the classroom to encourage blended learning. Proposals for non-face-to-face assessment, both in theory and in practice. In a single act or a continuous assessment modality depending on the interaction of the assessed person with the non-face-to-face learning and assessment tools or any other independent criterion.


The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the appearance of new university regulations favoured the University of Murcia's commitment to the systematic publication of an annual call for educational innovation projects from the 2005/2006 academic year onwards. From that moment on, teaching innovation became a supernatural element. Teaching innovation projects are developed in all public universities, mainly through calls for proposals issued by the rectors. These establish procedures for the presentation of preparing innovation projects by Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations and other state and public administration legislation and each university's regulations. Therefore, all of them establish a procedure that starts with an application with proposals for innovation projects that are resolved under the procedural guarantees for the interested parties. In most of the calls for projects, the scope of the projects is limited to that of the university that calls for projects. In most universities, teaching innovation projects can be applied to teaching in bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, both theoretical and practical classes.


In the first call for projects at the University of Murcia, 18 project proposals were presented compared to the 232 introduced in the 2021-2022 call, which represents an increase of more than 1000%. Thus, there is a constant tendency on the part of the teaching and research staff of the University of Murcia to get involved in this teaching innovation project.

Evolution of teaching innovation projects University of Murcia (2007-2022)

Evolución proyectos

The beneficiaries, already defined by the scope of application, are restricted to the university staff that awards the grant. Most are aimed at each university’s teaching and research staff (PDI) in their different roles. Only some allow students and administrative and service staff to participate in innovation projects. (PAS). From the academic year 2020.2021 onwards, the University of Murcia has established two modalities depending on the contractual relationship of the participants. In the particular case of the University of Murcia, the number of participants has increased from 118 in the first call to 812 in the last call, 2021.2022, which means more than 500%.

Since 2020, the University of Murcia has used its INNOVAGID application to manage the whole process of the call.

Regarding funding the teaching innovation actions included in the calls for proposals, we find that not all of them have financing. All the calls for proposals explicitly detail the costs that are eligible for funding and those that are not. As for the qualified expenses, many of them establish an absolute prohibition on acquiring hardware and software. The allocations are awarded to each project but do not become effective until the responsible party justifies these payments. In the case of the University of Murcia, teaching innovation projects do not receive funding, which is reserved for teaching innovation groups. All calls for proposals include presenting a final report reflecting the project’s results. These reports may be published and, in some cases, printed on university websites. In the case of the University of Murcia, the words of these projects are posted on the website of the innovation unit.

This list allows you to filter the projects by lines of action and Department or Faculty. Some calls for proposals include holding Teaching Innovation Conferences to disseminate the results of the projects carried out under these calls proposals. This is the case of the University of Murcia, which annually organises a conference to present the most relevant results of these teaching innovation projects.


*This report has been prepared by the Innovation Unit of the University of Murcia based on an exhaustive review of the Conference of Rectors of Public Universities (CRUE) data. Please note that any use, dissemination, distribution and reproduction of this information is strictly prohibited without express authorisation by current legislation.