
null Measures set by the University of Murcia for the prevention of COVID-19

Classes begin Wednesday 19th. The delivery type remains as in the fall: in-person. It is extremely important that we all follow the measures set by the University of Murcia for the prevention of COVID-19. Therefore, we would like to remind you the most relevant ones:

  • The correct* use of facemasks is mandatory at all times while on campus, in both indoor and outdoor spaces. (*The facemask must cover the nose and mouth).
  • All university members should self-assess their symptoms. Please, do not come to campus if you experience symptoms compatible with COVID-19. The infection shall be confirmed with an antigen test.
  • Please, do not come to campus if you have been instructed to quarantine or keep home isolation by a health authority representative.
  • If you have had a close contact but you are fully vaccinated, you could come to campus. However, you must avoid social interactions and keep social distance (1,5 meters). 
  • Covid-19 protocols must be observed in all campus activities. Information is avaiblable at:  página

On another note, antigen tests are available at the University doctor's office for university members upon request to if you are a student,, if you are faculty or staff.