Access to the Library via UMUapp!

Attention: Since it is no longer necessary to make a reservation before lending a book, you will no longer get an error message in the UM App when you reserve a lent or reserved book, but you will receive a confirmation message and the reservation will completed successfully

However, in the available books, the booking button still appears erroneously, and when trying to book these books, an error message appears and the booking cannot be made. We have been informed that, until a new version of the UM App is published, the reservation button will continue to appear on the available books, although the reservation cannot be made.

The University of Murcia has developed a mobile application integrated in UMUApp! to access the University Library.

The application facilitates the search for books, the renewal of loans, the reservation of copies and the consultation of our active loans and reservations.

The application is available for both Android and Apple IOS:

Androidinstalar UMUapp!
iphoneinstalar UMUapp!