The last 3rd of June in the context of the 1st Chicago International Conference in Education, we have presented some of the story of the GITE’s research around PLEs that has arrived to the CAPPLE project. It is basically the “short view” of our work until here, and the CAPPLE antecedents. The complete text of the presentation has been poublished on this paper:

Prendes, P. & Castañeda, L. (2013). PLE-Centered Education: The Next Boundary. Perceptions and Realities Behind Students Personal Learning Environments. ELA Journal of Educational Leadership in Action, 2,1. ISSN 2164-1102

And the presentation used in the conference is here:

CAPPLE Project in Chicago ICE 2013
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One thought on “CAPPLE Project in Chicago ICE 2013

  • Thursday May 1st, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    Estoy iniciando con mi tesis doctoral y me gustaría abordar el tema de PLE´s en la educación no formal en México. He visto que CAPPLE puede ser un referente para mi marco teórico.. Algunos documentos que me recomiende revisar…Saludos


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