ReCALL journal new Impact Factor

ReCALL has gone up from 4.235 to 4.5 IF and up from 13 to 7 in linguistics and 3 in language and linguistics.

ReCALL publishes research articles that report on empirical studies (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), as well as occasional rigorous meta-analyses or other syntheses or surveys, and papers that make substantial contributions to theoretical, epistemological or methodological debates. 

Typical subjects for submissions include foreign or second language learning and development in technology-enhanced learning environments and practical applications at developmental stage, with firm theoretical anchoring in CALL; evaluative studies of the potential of technological advances in the delivery of language learning materials and enactment of language learning activities; and discussions of theory, policy or strategy at institutional and disciplinary levels with clear connections to technology-mediated language learning.

The General Editor of ReCALL is Prof Alex Boulton, Alex Boulton, Université de Lorraine, France

Associate editors

David Barr, University of Ulster, UK

Ana Gimeno-Sanz, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Cornelia Tschichold, Swansea University, UK

Shona Whyte, Université Côte d’Azur, France