
null Social Pedagogical Art & Creativity Exploration in Kortrijk, Belgium

Social Pedagogical Art & Creativity Exploration in Kortrijk, Belgium:

Are you interested in art and creativity in social contexts? You want to explore artistic workshops for people with disabilities, socio-artistic practices in neighbourhoods or creative expression as an alternative way of communication? Then this course is for you!!

S.P.A.C.E. stands for Social Pedagogical Art & Creativity Exploration, an international course of 30 ECTS for students of social and/or creative studies. This course lets you explore how art and creativity are linked and used in social-(ped)agogical settings.

The program covers one semester of 18 weeks - 30 ECTS: it starts at 4th of February 2015 and ends 26th of June 2015.

You'll find more information and details in the S.P.A.C.E.-brochure. You are welcome to contact us for further information or visit our VIVES University college international website

Deadline for application is 1th of November 2014.

We'd like to receive a motivation letter and CV from students who'd like to apply.

Please send the documents to and