Academic coordinators

Antonio Pérez Miras


Dr. Antonio Pérez Miras is accredited as lecture by ANECA and nowdays works in the Constitutional Law Department of the University of Granada. He got the European PhD. in Constitutional Law at the Univeristy of Bologna (2012). He also studied a master's degree in Health Law in the European Union at the University of Granada (2013), and he got the Law degree at the Complutense University of Madrid (2005) and Political Science degree at the Autonomous University of Madrid (2010). He has been an Erasmus student at IEP Lille (2009). He has also done research stays at Harvard Law School (2015) and SPISA – University of Bologna (2015). He is visiting professor at PUCRS of Porto Alegre (Brazil) (2019) with a CAPES grant. He has been scholar at the Royal Spanish College in Bologna (2010-2011). His branches of research are: A) Federalism; B) Health Law; C) Constitutional European Law. He is member of different research projects and groups at a national and international level and was founder of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on constitutional studies (2011). Dr. Pérez Miras has taught as adjunct profesor at the Comillas University - ICADE (2013-2018), as a Lecturer at the European University (2015-2018), both in Madrid, and as an Interim Substitute Professor at University of Vigo (2017-2018). He has teaching experience in fields of Constitutional, Administrative and EU Law.

He is the co-chair and founder of the Italian-Spanish Seminar for Young Scholars and has a large experience coordinating and participating in academic and cultural activities. He is academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project “The constitutional bases of Europe: building a ‘common European constitutional culture’”, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission (2019-2020). He is member of the editorial board of the Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo.

Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Germán Teruel, PhD., is Associate professor in Constitutional Law at the University of Murcia. He holds a PhD. in Law from the University of Bologna and the University of Murcia (international cotutelle) (2014); a master's degree in Constitutional Law from the University of Seville (2010), as fellow of "La Caixa" Foundation, and a Law degree from the University of  Murcia (2009). He was scholar at the Royal College of Spain at Bologna (2011-2012) and junior researcher of the University of Murcia (2011-2014).
He has been involved in different institutions, working as adviser at the Spanish Parliament (2016-2019), and as intern at the Spanish Constitutional Court (2014-2015). He also did an internship as assistant to a MEP at the European Parliament (2009).

Currently, he has been teaching at the University of Murcia since 2016 and, previously, he was lecturer at the European University of Madrid (2015-2016). He also has taught as visiting lecturer at the University of Roma Trè (2018), Bologna (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017), Seville (2014) and Verona (2013); and in postdoctoral and specialization courses at the University of Pisa (2020), Academia Iuris Roma (2018, 2019), and at the International University of Valencia (2015-2016). His main teaching field is Constitutional Law, altought he has taught courses in European Union Law and Criminal Law.

His main research interests are: A) Fundamental rights in the Internet; B) Freedom of expression and extreme speech; C) Constitutional European Law. Germán Teruel is co-chair and founder of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on constitutional studies and he is involved in different research projects and groups at a national and international level. In particular, he is member of two research groups of the International Association of Constitutional Law: "Freedom of speech" and "Constitutions in the Age of the Internet". And he is academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project “The constitutional bases of Europe: building a ‘common European constitutional culture’”, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission (2019-2020); and member of the project Constitution-making and deliberative democracy (CA COST Association Action CA17135).

Germán Teruel has been visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg (2018) and he has done pre-doctoral research stays at the Spanish Constitutional Court (2014), at the Court of Justice of the EU in the Office of Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo (2009), and at the Italian universities of Florence (2010) and Bologna (2011-2013). 

He collaborates regularly with different newspapers and media publishing opinion articles and legal dissemination analysis. He is member of the board of the Royal Society of Economics from Murcia, and he has been member and founder of different associations. When he was student, he was involved in the governing bodies of the University. Among other positions, he was President of the Council of students of the University of Murcia and President of the legal committee, where he drove the foundation of a probono legal service for university students. Moreover, he participated in the foundation of the National Council of Law students. He has large experience coordinating and participating in meetings and exchanges of the Youth in Action program of the European Commission. Currently, he is Erasmus+ academic coordinator between the University of Murcia and the University of Verona and the University of Catania.

Marilisa D’Amico


Maria Elisa D’Amico, PhD, is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan, School of Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law. 
She is Vice Rector for Legality, Transparency and Equality of Rights, University of Milan (since October 2018).

She teaches Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice.

She is scientific coordinator of several specialized courses in the fields of fundamental rights (University of Milan).

In 2007, she has been elected President of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the University of Milan and, in the same year, she coordinated and developed a research commissioned by IRER (an institution based by the Lombardia Region) entitled: “Women, Institutions between power and political representation”.

In 2009, as a lawyer and University Professor, she has been in charge by Milieu ltd (a multi-disciplinary consultancy based in Brussels, which works closely with EU institutions) of arranging a report about the equality bodies and gender discrimination and jurisdiction protection for the European Union Commission.
From 2009 to 2012, she was member of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Milan Bar Association.
From 2009 to September 2013, she was delegated by the Rector of the University of Milan for disabilities and handicap.
From 2011 until September 2013, She has been member of the Milan City Council and President of the Institutional Affairs Commission of the Milan City Council.
In October 2013 (till 2017), she has been elected member of the Council of Presidency of Administrative Justice (CPGA). 
In 2015, she becomes the coordinator of the Discrimination and Inequalities Research Strategic Team of the University of Milan.
She is a lawyer registered in the register of lawyers of Milan (from 2001; from 2019 in the special register of lawyers for professors and researchers).

As a Lawyer she represented many associations and people before the Italian Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights in the fields of women’s fundamental rights and anti-discrimination-law; before the italian administrative judges in the field of female political representation.

Edoardo Carlo Raffiotta


Prof. Dr. Edoardo Carlo Raffiotta is Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Bologna School of Law (2018 - present); He was senior visiting scholar at Berkeley, University of California, School of Law (a.y. 2018/19); He has got three national scientific certifications as Associate Professor in Constitutional Law, in Comparative Public Law and in Public Administrative Law. He has been visiting researcher in different universities: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016); Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008); School of Law and Public Administration of the University of Warsaw (2006). He was the national expert for Italy in charge of drafting the report required by the European Commission titled “Member States' Study on the Laws and Customs related to the Consular Protection”m and he is legal expert of the Italian Transport Regulation Authority (2016-present).

Prof. Dr. Edoardo Raffiotta is member of the research team on “Simplification and rationalization of the Emilia-Romagna Region”, promoted by the University of Bologna Department of Social and Political Sciences and the Council of Emilia-Romagna Region (2015-present); and was member of the research project on “The Financial Constitution. The State Budget Decision, between European Limitations and Policies of Local Government Coordination” (2010-2013). He develops research activity in the fields of EU Constitutional law, with focus on the economic government in the EU, on fundamental rights in the EU and public security at national en EU level. And he has teaching experience in the fields of Constitutional, Comparative Public Law and Public Administrative Law. He is one of the founders of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on constitutional studies (2011).

Augusto Aguilar Calahorro


Dr. Aguilar Calahorro is an associated professor in the Constitutional Law Departament of the University of Granada. Law Degree at the University of Granada (2005-2006). He is specializes in European constitutional law and European integration. Posgraduate in European Constitutional Law at the University of Granada. PhD Research grant (FPU) of the Ministry of Education (2007), and Research Staff Training Grant (FPI) of the Ministry of Education and Science in the framework of SEJ 2007-66427 / JURI National Research Project titled “The constitutional interaction between the European Union and Member States as a factor in the development of European Constitutional Law“. He has conducted research stays at the Center for European Legal Studies of the University of Cambridge under the co-direction of the Professor of European Law Catherine Barnard (2008), the Department of Legal Sciences, Public Law Section, at the Univesitá degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” under the co-direction of Professor Paolo Ridola, Professor of Comparative Public Law (2009) and also carry out a research period in the Department of Public Law of the University of Pisa under the coordination of Professor Roberto Romboli, Professor of Constitutional Law, and within the framework of the Italy-Spain Integrated Action “Ordinary Jurisdiction and Jurisdiction constitutional in the process of European integration ”(Ministry of Education and Science). PhD in Constitutional law by the University of Granada (2012, Cum Laude and International Mention). He grant the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Granada (2016). Vissiting professor in the University of Rome La Sapienza (2018). As a general research summary Professor Aguilar has published, as author, 40 publications (1 book, 2 coordination of collective books, 15 articles in indexed journals with proven impact, 21 book chapters in prestigious publishers); publications presented and discussed as a speaker at 38 conferences and congress at national and international level (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Brazil and Mexico). These publications are the result of his participation in 6 national and international research projects with obvious results; his participation in the Andalusian Government Research Group GIA. SEJ-106 “Andalusia, the European Union and the Social State”, an international network (Ibero-American Research Network on "Contemporary Forms of Slavery and Human Rights"), his collaboration in the Center of Excellence "European Integration and Globalization" granted by the European Commission and the management and collaboration in the Center for Research in Constitutional Law "Peter Häberle" of the University of Granada. In addition, at this time, he has collaborated as a secretary or coordinator in the organization of a total of 29 scientific events (congresses, conferences and workshops). In the teaching field he has taught more than 200 ECTS in under graduate and Graduate studies, 35 ECTS in Posgraduate studies, and 230 ECTS as virtual education.

Vasco Pereira Da Silva


Vasco Pereira da Silva is Full Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. He is also an Invited Chairholder of the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) where he read for his Doctorate. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FD-UNL) and, abroad, at the Law Faculty of the Leibniz University of Hannover (“Juristische Fakultät - Leibniz Universität Hannover”), the Law Faculty of the University of Rome (“Facultà di Giurisprudenza” - “Sapienza – Università di Roma”), the Law Faculty of the University of Rouen (“Faculté de Droit, Sciences Économiques et Gestion – Université de Rouen”), the «Loyola New Orleans School of Law», in the Master Program on European Constitutional Law of the Law Faculty of the University of Granada (“Universidad de Granada - Máster en Derecho Constitucional Europeo”), in the Law School f the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (“Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS”), in the Federal University of Recife (“Universidade Federal do Pernambuco”), in the University Institute of Brasilia (“Instituto Universitário Brasiliano”), in the Damas Law Faculty of Recife (“Faculdade Damas - Recife”), in the Law Faculty of the University of São Paulo (“Universidade de São Paulo”). More recently (2nd. November 2018), he was awarded the Honoris Causa Doctorship by the Leibniz Universität Hannover following the indication by the Juristische Fakultät (Germany), as he was before awarded with the same title (1st December 2006) by the União Educacional do Planalto Central de Brasília (UNIPLAC) following the indication by the Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas do Planalto Central (Brazil). Currently, he is President of the Erasmus and International Relations Office of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. He also acts as the General Coordinator of the ELPIS Erasmus+ Network, an European Network that was created by the Leibniz University of Hannover, that joins more than 35 European Universities from Europe and all over the world; the General Coordinator of the ELPIS Joint Master Program («European Legal Practice Integrated Studies», LLm. Eur.), held by the Law Faculties of the University of Lisbon, the University of Hannover the University of Rouen and the
University Mykolos Romeris, from the Lithuania. Vasco Pereira da Silva is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Professors in Public Law (Societas Iuris Publici Europaei – S.I.P.E.), of the “International Institute of State Law Studies (“Instituto Internacional de Estudos do Direito do Estado, I.I.E.D.E.”) in Porto Alegre, as well as a founder of the Portuguese Association of Political Science. He was also a member of the Direction of the Instituto de Estudos Políticos of the Portuguese Catholic University (IEP-UCP) and the Coordinator of the Administration and Public Policy Group of the Master’ s and PhD Programs in Political Science at that same Institution. In Portugal, he is a Senior Researcher of the CDIP (“Centro de Investigação em Dreito Público”), but he is also very active in many international research groups with leading positions such as: General Coordinator of the “ELPIS Research”, that is an European research group that joins scientific representatives of more than 35 countries of the European Union and other parts of the world; or the Portuguese representative in the “Groupe d’ Études et de Recherches sur la Justice Constitutionnel – Institut Louis Favoreu”, that is an international research group that joins researchers on Constitutional Justice from all over the world. He was a member of various councils and commissions charged by the Government to prepare legislation, such as the Basis of the Territory and Planning Law, the Basis of Environmental Law, the Administrative Procedure Code, the Administrative Process Code, the Administrative Procedure Code of Macao, the Basis of Tax Law. He has performed talks and conferences in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Brazil, Angola, United States of America, Mexico and China. Vasco Pereira da Silva is author of several books and participated in some collective ones, as well as published widely in highly regarded law journals and in various languages, in the fields of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights, European and Global Law, Law and Culture, Environmental Law, Planning Law and Political Science.

Scientific committee

Francisco Balaguer Callejón


Full professor in Constitutional Law at University of Granada. He is Jean Monnet Professor of European Constitutional Law, Jean Monnet Professor ad personam of European Constitutional Law and Globalization, Director of the Journal Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, President of the Fundación Peter Häberle and Coordinator of the Official Master on Fundamental Rights in national, supranational and global perspective. He is Ph. D. Honoris Causa Federal University of Maranhão, São Luis, Brazil.

Gregorio Cámara Villar


Full professor in Constitutional Law at University of Granada. He has been the Director of the Catedra de los Ríos. He han been national Parlamentarian. He is an expert in Citizen’s rights and in federalism.

Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez

Full professor of Constitutional Law at University of Granada with a large formation in Spain and Germany. He is an expert in Euroepan Law. He is Member of the Management Board of the Fundamental Rigths Agency. He is board of the Journal Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo. He has been governamental advisory

Angelo Schillaci


Associate Professor in Comparative Public Law, “Sapienza” University – Rome, where he teaches Comparative and European Public Law and Comparative Fundamental Rights. Licensed as Full Professor in Comparative Public Law since September 2018. He has published a book (Diritti fondamentali e parametro di giudizio. Per una storia concettuale delle relazioni tra ordinamenti, Napoli, Jovene 2012) and a number of articles and essays on the constitutional aspects of the European integration process (referring to the relations between national legal orders and both the EU and the ECHR), as well as on the relation between freedom and security, on fundamental rights and democracy (focusing on freedom of assembly and the role displayed by movements in the current evolution of contemporary democracies). In 2011, he has co-directed a collective book concerning law and migrations (Le nuove frontiere del diritto dell’immigrazione: integrazione, diritti, sicurezza, with F. Angelini and M. Benvenuti, Napoli, Jovene, 2011) Furthermore, in 2014 he has directed a collective book on civil and family rights of homosexuals ("Omosessualità Eguaglianza Diritti. Desiderio e riconoscimento", Carocci). In 2018 he has published a book concerning the relation between law and recognition, comparing the paths followed in Europe and USA to acknowledge civil rights (Le storie degli altri. Strumenti giuridici del riconoscimento e diritti civili in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, Napoli, Jovene, 2018) His latest works and studies focus on protection of family life for homosexual couples in Italy, according to law n. 76/2016 and the further development of case law concerning parental rights, as well as on the crisis of liberal democracy and the rise of populism in contemporary constitutionalism.

Francesca Biondi


Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan, School of Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law.
She teaches in many courses (among them: Constitutional law, Parliamentary law, Regional law) at the University of Milan.
Since 2003, she has been member of the Academic Board of the PhD Course in Public, International and European Law at the University of Milan.
Since 2005, she has taken part in several research projects.
Since 2014, she has been the scientific coordinator of the book series “I diritti negati”, with Marilisa D’Amico and Gustavo Zagrebelsky; she has been also a member of other Editorial Committees (among them: Quaderni costituzionali, Rivista del Gruppo di Pisa, Diritti regionali).
Since 2015, she has been member of the Research Centre “Studi sulla Giustizia” at the University of Milan.
Since 2017, she has been member of the Academic Committee of the Research Centre in Information Society Law at the University of Milan.
She is currently in charge of the referee activities of the following Law Reviews: “Studi di Diritto pubblico”, “Rivista del Gruppo di Pisa”, “Rassegna di diritto pubblico”, “Federalismi”, “Rivista AIC”, “Quaderni costituzionali”.
Since 2014 to 2018, she has been assistant to Prof. Nicolò Zanon, member of the Italian Constitutional Court.
She has presented several papers both at international and national conferences and round tables.
Since 2001, she has been a lawyer registered at Milan bar. 
Fields of interest: accountability of judges, parliamentary law, constitutional rights and constitutional justice.

Irene Pellizzone


Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan, School of Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law. 
In 2009, as a lawyer and University Professor, she has been in charge by Milieu ltd (a multi-disciplinary consultancy based in Brussels, which works closely with EU institutions) of arranging a report about the equality bodies and gender discrimination and jurisdiction protection for the European Union Commission (coordinator: Prof. D’Amico). 
She is a lawyer registered at Milan bar (from 2008).
She teaches in many under graduated courses (among them: constitutional law) and in one post graduated course focused on Gender Violence at the University of Milan

Stefania Leone

Researcher of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan, School of Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law. In 2018, habilitation as Associate Professor of Constitutional Law. 
She is Rector’s Delegate with responsibility for disabilities and learning difficulties.
She is member of the Interuniversity Research Centre for “Gender Cultures” (6 Universities) and of the project UNIRE, an Academic Network against gender violence (10 Universities). These academic networks aim at promoting research and awareness campaigns in these fields. 
In 2009, member of a team charged by Milieu Ltd consultancy institute of arranging a comparative study on access to justice in gender equality and anti-discrimination law in member-States and EEA countries.
In 2007, member of a Team of experts (lawyers, academics, magistrates) aimed at developing a research on gender violence case-law. 
She teaches in many university courses: Women empowerment in a sustainable development, Anti-discrimination Law, Right of persons with disabilities. 
Her research experience regards the fields of anti-discrimination law, political representation, relationship between the Constitutional Courts and other supranational Courts

Pablo Lucas Murillo de la Cueva

Justice at the Spanish Supreme Court and Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Cordoba. He is full Member of the Royal Academic of Moral and Political Sciences and has been member of the Spanish Electoral Board. From 1978 to 2002 he has taught in different courses of constitutional law and he continues collaborating in academic seminars and phd courses. His research activity is focus on fundamental rights and institutional issues (judicial power, government…). He has been involved in the scientific committee of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since its foundation in 2011, participating actively in its conferences and publications.

Antonio D’Aloia


Full professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Parma and Director of the Center for Bioethics of the University of Parma. He is involved in activities of European dimension as member of the Council of the Center for Studies in European and International Affairs (CSEIA) and as member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma. He develops research activity in the fields of Constitutional law and EU Constitutional law. The principal lines of research regard constitutional rights; European integration process; equal protection clause, jurisdiction, bio-law, intergenerational responsibility, general theory of law. He has teaching experience in the fields of Constitutional Law; constitutional justice; biolaw. In particular he is teacher in food law, risk regulation, OGM law, food safety at the Master Health, Environment and Food: European Law and Risk Regulation of the University of Parma. He is involved as member of the scientific committee of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2014.

Ginevra Cerrina Feroni


Italian Lawyer and Full Professor of Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law in the Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri“ in Florence University. Since 2014 she is Vice-President of the Board “Cesifin - Alberto Predieri” Foundation (Centre for the Study of Financial Institutions) and member of the Board “Institutional Reforms” of the Magna Carta Foundation. Since 2006 she is Administrative Law course coordinator at the Seminar of Parliamentary Studies and Researches “Silvano Tosi“ patronised by the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Senate of the Republic. She also holds the position in several juridical Association and Journals. In particular, she is Vice-President of the National Association of Comparative and European Public Law and its Review (DPCE). She has so far carried out comparative researches on multiculturalism; cultural heritage; sustainable development; protection of savings, bank foundations and securitization; constitutional law; administrative justice; forms of government. In recent years, as a local coordinator, she won research projects of national (PRIN) and international interest (in particular, 2 Horizon2020 Projects). She is involved as member of the scientific committee of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2014.

Tomasso Edoardo Frosini


Full Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”. He is Vice President of the C.N.R. (italian National Research Council) and expert for ANVUR (national Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (2011)). He has participated in differents committees for institutional reforms (drafting committee for the legislative proposal of constitutional reform -2013-; research committee at the Department of Institutional Reforms on the impact of constitutional reforms upon Public Administration -2005-; ministerial committee for the drafting of consolidated texts at the Ministry of the Environment -2005-; study committee upon the reform of bicameralism and the parliamentary immunity at the Ministry of Institutional Reforms -2002-). His research activity develops in the field of Comparative Constitutional law, Constitutional law and EU Constitutional law, with particular focus on forms of government, electoral law, democratic participation, right to Internet and legal information. He has teaching experience in the fields of Constitutional law and Comparative constitutional law. He is involved as member of the scientific committee of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2014.

Andrea Morrone


Full Professor of Constitutional law at the University of Bologna. He is the coorditator of the PhD. in Legal Studies at the University of Bologna. Among other positions, he has been Vicar Director of the Departament of Law (2005-2011) and President of the Teaching Committee of the Faculty of Law (2008-2010) at the University of Bologna. And he has been consultat of different public institutions (Minister of the Environment -2005-, Minister of Cultural Heritage -2007-, President of the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna -2007-, Regional Council of Calabria -2009-, National Association of the Italian Countries -2003-2004). 
Prof. Morrone has developed research activity in the fields of Constitutional law, EU law, Environmental law, Administrative law, Criminal Constitutional law, protection of rights, financial law and family law. In particular, he promoted the research project “The Financial Constitution. The State Budget Decision, between European Limitations and Policies of Local Government Coordination” (2010-2013). He has teaching experience in the fields of Constitutional law and Constitutional Justice and has been involved in the scientific committee of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since its foundation in 2011, participating in the design and promotion of all its activities.

Sabrina Ragone


Associate professor of comparative public law at the University of Bologna since October 2017 and a senior research affiliate of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL). Previously, she was a research fellow at the MPIL in Heidelberg (2015-2017) and at the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies in Madrid (2012-2015). She has held positions as a researcher, lecturer and visiting professor in several academic institutions in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, as well as in Latin America and the United States. 
She is the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module CRISES “Critical Risks for Integration and Solidarity in the European Space”, Erasmus+ Program (2018-2021) - 599047-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE.
Since 2016, she coordinates the project “Structural Transformations of Public Law", funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and has collaborated to national and international research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and the Spanish Ministry of Education. She has joined various I+D projects granted to Spanish Universities, in particular, two of the University of Seville dealing with human rights in Europe and two of the Giménez Abad Foundation (Zaragoza) on territories and the EU crisis.
Since 2012 she has focused her research on the constitutional consequences of the crises of European Integration, publishing extensively in journals and books and presenting the outcomes of the research at several international academic fora, for instance at the University of Lille, France (2020); the Center for European Studies, Harvard University (2017); the University of Edinburgh (2016) and SciencesPo, École de Droit, Paris (2015).

Organising Committee

Caterina Drigo


Caterina Drigo can highly contribute to this project due to her international experience and to her long term studying and teaching of human rights protection in a European and multilevel dimension (see CV). She has got the National qualification to serve as associate professor both in constitutional law and in comparative public law.
 She is an expert on human rights protection, on human dignity and human dignity challenges especially in an evolving world in which human rights of citizens and non-citizens are constantly at stake and in which new technologies and Artificially intelligence create new occasion of possible channels of violations. Due to her experience she did several lectures abroad and participated as invited speakers to national and international congresses. She is also member of relevant associations and interdepartmental center of research (such as CIRSFID)

Miguel Arjona Sánchez


The areas of expertise of professor Arjona are excellent for the programme. With a European experience, (he had worked in the Administration of two European countries – the United Kingdom and Spain and speaker in three European languages – Spanish, French and Spanish -) he has worked in efficiency and renewable energies companies. In addition, he has completed a postgraduate programme in European Constitutional studies (a Master in European Constitutional Law and a Doctorate Thesis about the Free movement of capital in the EU). Professor Arjona is expertise in Economic Constitutionalism and his works about the free movement of capital and the euro are especially relevant after the Brexit and the unfinished Economic and Monetary Union. Finally, he has been invited speaker in different places as New York, Berlin, Cologne, Sheffield, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, etc.   

Silvia Romboli


Dr. Romboli is lecturer at the ESADE University of Barcelona (Business and Law School). She got the Ph. D. in Constitutional Law, University of Seville (Spain) and University of Pisa (Italy) (2017) with the highest note (sobresaliente cum laude); she has also won the extraordinary doctorate award of University of Seville. She has done research stays in Pantheon-Sorbonne University - Paris (2014-2015-2016) and has been intern at the Doctrine Service of the Spanish Constitutional Court (2016-2017). She has taught at the University of Seville (2012-2016) and at the European University of Madrid (2017). Her researches are focus on constitutional and public comparative law. 
She is involved in the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2016. She is member of the Jean Monnet Project “The constitutional bases of Europe: building a ‘common European constitutional culture’”, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission (2019-2020); and member of the project Conflict Management at ESADE.

Ángel Aday Jiménez Alemán


Dr Jiménez Alemán is a lecturer of Constitutional Law at the University of Vigo. PhD in Law by this same university. He was awarded the grant of the Constitutional Case-law Service of the Spanish Constitutional Court, the Galician Parliament and of the Program to support the education of university researchers and professors of the Galician Administration.
He is the author of several peer-review articles and book chapters. He was awarded the Prize for best research article by a young constitutionalist by the Journal Teoría y Realidad Constitucional in 2017. In 2018, he was awarded the Prize for the best paper presented in the Anual Congress of Spanish Constitutional Law Association. He has presented papers in numerous international congresses (among many other, ICON Conference, World Congress of Constitutional Law, Iberoamerican Conference of Constitutional Law). He has participated in three research projects financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, and he was the manager of an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module. He was the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Legal and Labor Sciences of the University of Vigo from October 2016 to July 2019. He is member of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2012.

Carmen Montesinos Padilla


Dr. Montesinos Padilla is lecturer of Constitutional Law in the Complutense University of Madrid. She got an International PhD. at the Carlos III University in 2015 on multilevel protection of human rights. She has made research stays in differents universities: Clínica de Direitos Humanos da Amazônia-Universidade Federal do Pará (Brazil, 2018-2019), INTRALaw Centre Aarhus University (Denmark, 2017-2018), University of Porto (Portugal, 2017), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public International Law (Germany, 2014), Universidade Federal do Belém do Pará (Brasil, 2012). She also has institutional experience as intern case-law department of the Spanish Constitutional Court. Dr. Montesinos Padilla takes part in different research projects and she is specialized on jurisdictional protection of human rights, European integration, legal globalization, and human rights and business. She has teaching experience on Constitutional and EU Law. She is member of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2012.

Joaquín Sarrión Esteve


Dr. Sarrión is post-doctoral Ramón y Cajal Researcher in EU Law integration and fundamental rights at the Constitutional Law Department of the National Distance Education University-UNED. He is also Vicesecretary on Legal Issues at the UNED. of the Master in Legal Practice at the Faculty of Law at the National Distance Befor he worked as Academic Secretary of the Master in Legal Practice at the Faculty of Law, and as Academic Secretary of the Imiens (Mixed Research Institute formed between UNED and the Instituto Salud Carlos III and the Escuela Nacional de Salud). He awarded the European PhD. in European Union Law at the University of Bologna (2011) and was scholar of the Royal College of Spain in Bologna. He studied a European LL.M. in European Union Law at the UNED (2009), postgraduate courses in European Union Law at the Diplomatic Academy of Spain (2008), and a LL. M. in Constitutional Law and Political Sciences at the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (2007).  His research and teaching activities is focus on Constitutional and European Union matters. He is member of the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since it foundation in 2011

Leyre Burguera Ameave


Dr. Burguera is lecturer of Constitutional law at the UNED. She got an European PhD in Law by this same university and graduated in Political Science (2005) and Sociology (2018). She has taught in the Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU (2011-2012) and in the Universidad Católica de San Antonio (2004-2007). She has teaching experience in Constitutional and EU Law since 2004 and she is the author of several peer review articles and book chapters. She was awarded the Prize for best thesis research in Political Science (2011) by the Congreso de los Diputados. Her research activities are focus on freedom of speech in the political process and the electoral law in Spain and European Union. She has made research stays in differents universities and research centers: Dipartimento di diritto dell'Economía, Law University, Siena (Italia), Regent University School of Law, Virginia (EEUU), Institut für Offentliches Rechts und Verwaltungslehre, Colonia (Germany), School of Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nottingham (UK). She was assistant academic secretary of the Faculty of Law-UNED (2017- 2019) and since 2019, Vicerrectora adjunta of Postgraduate studies. She is also ademic Secretary of the Master in European Union at the National Distance Education University-UNED since 2015. She is involved in the Italian-Spanish Seminar on Constitutional Studies since 2014.

Fernando Pérez Domínguez


Dr. Pérez Dominguez’s research interest mainly deals with the debate on the future of Welfare State; especially in relation to Social rights and their new conditions for exercise like individualism and contractualism trends, techniques, procedures and other innovative ways of management for public services and social benefits. In this way I have studied the development of social rights (especially in the context of labour market) and the Welfare state at European and autonomic or regional level in some of my published works. 
Furthermore, I’m interesting in fundamental rights protection, case law study – public freedoms and freedom of speech, particularly – and the integration of public policy evaluation and efficiency perspective with the public spending control and the scrutiny of the work of the government.
I have developed these lines of research from two areas of legal specialization: Labour Law and Constitutional Law. Firstly, during my predoctoral period I worked as researcher at the Labour Law Department at the University of Huelva and at Bologna University; where I developed my PhD Eur Thesis about “Il jobseeker: la tutela delle transizioni nel mercato del lavoro” and obtained the qualification of “Suma Cum Laude”.
After that I joined in 2009 the Public Law Department (area of Constitutional Law) at the University of Huelva until today. There, I was Assistant Professor (Constitutional Law) from 2009 to 2016, and became Associate Professor in June 2016 after being accredited (Profesor Contratado Doctor) by ANECA in 2014. 
During these years I have developed my research inside several projects and groups funded by the national and regional research programs. In most of the cases, they were interdisciplinary groups of work which made possible the integration of diverse Public Law areas’ points of view. I have also been postdoctoral researcher at the Constitutional and Politic Studies Centre at Madrid.

Bendetta Liberali


Benedetta Liberali, PhD, is a Constitutional Law Researcher, at the University of Milan, School of Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law (from 31.12.2018).
She has been legal assistant of a judge of the Italian Constitutional Court (2017 - 2018).
She has been Post-Doc Research fellow in Constitutional Law, in the same Department (2013 - 2016).
She has been contract Professor in Constitutional Justice, at the University of Milan (2017 and 2018).
She has been contract Professor in Public Law, at the University of Verona and University of Vicenza (2014-2016).
She is a lawyer registered in the register of lawyers of Milan (from 2011; from 2019 in the special register of lawyers for professors and researchers).
She is the author of several articles and essays in the field of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice.

Cecilia Siccardi


Cecilia Siccardi, PhD, is a Post-doc Researcher in constitutional law at the University of Milan, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law.
Her research activity mainly focuses on issues related to: a) principle of equality and non discrimination; b) Protection of human rights, especially about migrants, women and disabled people’s rights; c) Anticorruption Law and principle of legality. 
She published some academic papers and held some lectures about those issues. 
About the latter topics, she joined in some research projects both international and national (e.g. Programme de recherche PHC Galilée 2019 «Le rôle des juges face aux crises migratoire, sécuritaires et économique en France et en Italie).
She teaches Antidiscrimination Law at the University of Milan.
She is a member of several research and academic networks (e.g. Migration and Human rights research center, University of Milan; Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights).