
The University of Murcia’s Vice-Chancellor declares his commitment to setting and developing active policies to integrate equal treatment and opportunities for men and women, without direct or indirect discrimination owing to gender, as well as to foster and promote measures to achieve actual equality within our University, establishing equal opportunities for men and women as a strategic principle of our University policy; all this in conformity with the current regulatory framework (Organic Law for effective equality between men and women, March 2007; Organic Law of Universities, reformed in April 2007, Organic Law against gender-based violence, December 2004) favouring and fostering actions to achieve a balanced presence of women and men in all areas and against discrimination in University institutions.

In each and every one of the areas where this University develops its activity, we embrace the principle of equality between men and women, paying special attention to indirect discrimination, understanding it as “The situation where an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice is liable to adversely affect a person of a particular gender vis-à-vis another person of the other gender”.

The aforementioned principles shall be implemented through successive measures that will be deployed in order to advance towards achieving equality between men and women in the University community and, by extension, in society as a whole.

To accomplish this purpose, participation of all sectors present at the University of Murcia will be essential.