
Conference Program


25 and 26 April 2024
Hemiciclo of Facultad de Letras and Zoom
University of Murcia

Thursday 25 April

I Session. Women and Devotion in Renaissance Europe

9.30. Presentation
Noelia García Pérez (University of Murcia) y Melania Soler Moratón (University of Murcia)

10.00. Erasmo de Rotterdam y la piedad en femenino
Palma Martínez-Burgos (University of Castilla la Mancha)

10.45. Coffee break

11.15. ¿Por qué callan las mujeres? Reinas, santas y monjas predicadoras en la cultura visual

Juan Luis González García (Autonomous University of Madrid)

12.00. Women, Saints and Patronage in Early Renaissance Florence
Catherine Lawless (Trinity Collage, Dublin)

12.45. Round table: Women, Europe and the devotio moderna
Moderator: María José Rodríguez-Salgado (Oxford University and The London School of Economics and
Political Science)
Palma Martínez-Burgos (University of Castilla la Mancha)
Juan Luis González García (Autonomous University of de Madrid)
Catherine Lawless (Trinity Collage, Dublin)


II Session. Spaces of Piety and Female Devotion


16.00. Estrategias de poder: competencia artística de María de Luna-Mendoza
Olga Pérez Monzón (Complutense University of Madrid)

16.30. Escenarios para la devoción: ejemplos en el monasterio de las Descalzas Reales
Ana García Sanz (Patrimonio Nacional)

17.00. El paraíso en el palacio. Reliquias, trabajos textiles y roles de género en los oratorios
privados de los inicios de la Época Moderna

Aintzane Erkizia Martikorena (University of the Basque Country)

17.30. Round table: Spaces of Piety and Female Devotion
Moderator: Emma L. Cahill Marrón (Art, Power and Gender Research Group)
Olga Pérez Monzón (Complutense University of Madrid)
Ana García Sanz (Patrimonio Nacional)
Aintzane Erkizia Martikorena (University of the Basque Country)

18.00. Proposal sessions (pararell meetings via Zoom)

I. Queens and Piety. The Devotional Imagery of the Female Rulers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 

II. Female Patronage. Pious Works for the Salvation of the Soul 

III. Noblewomen, Aristocrats, and Nuns. Other Uses of Devotional Imagery 

Friday 26 April

III Session. Books of Hours, Reading and Female Devotion

10.00. Libros que poseyó Juana I en el palacio real de Tordesillas
Miguel Ángel Zalama Rodríguez (University of Valladolid)

10.45. Gender, Dynasty and Devotion: The Religious Books of Anne of Brittany and her Circle
Elizabeth L´Estrange (University of Birmingham)

11.30. Coffee break

12.00. The Function of the Female Supplicant Figure in an Early Renaissance Manuscript of
Bonaventure's Life of St Francis of Assisi

Holly F. Flora (Tulane School of Liberal Arts)

12.45. Round table: Reading to Get Closer to God. Gender, Manuscripts and Devotion
Moderator: Anne Cruz (University of Miami)
Miguel Ángel Zalama Rodríguez (University of Valladolid)
Elizabeth L´Estrange (University of Birmingham)
Holly F. Flora (Tulane School of Liberal Arts)

IV Session. Women and Paintings for the Salvation of the Soul: Altarpieces and their Iconography


16.00. Retablos y poder femenino en los albores del Renacimiento: la devoción de las últimas
infantas Trastámara

Melania Soler Moratón (University of Murcia)

16.45. Women’s Discernment and the Ghent Altarpiece
Andrea Pearson (American University)

17.30. Round table: Women and Painting for the Salvation of the Soul: Devotional Altarpieces and their Iconography
Moderator: Emma L. Cahill Marrón (Art, Power and Gender Research Group)
Melania Soler Moratón (University of Murcia)
Andrea Pearson (American University)

18.00. Closing ceremony




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