Perfil de ingreso y criterios de admisión Doctorado en Química Básica y Aplicada

Access requirements

Article 7 of Rector's Resolution 42/2012, dated February 6, ordering the publication of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia, establishes the doctoral programme access requirements:

  1. In accordance with that established in Article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, in general, to access an official doctoral programme, the student will be required to be in possession of the official Spanish Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, or equivalents.
  2. In addition, students who are in any of the following cases may also access:
    1. Have an official Spanish university degree, or that of another country belonging to the European Higher Education Area, giving access to a Master’s degree and have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS of official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's degree level.
    2. Have an official Spanish Graduate Diploma of at least 300 ECTS, as established by EU law. These graduates must compulsorily complete the training supplements referred to in Article 7.2 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, unless the syllabus of the corresponding qualification included credits in research training that are equivalent in training value to research credits in master's degree programmes.
    3. University graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding access test to specialised health training, have successfully passed at least two years training in a programme to obtain the official qualification of one of the specialities in Health Sciences.
    4. Have a certificate obtained in accordance with foreign education systems –no need to have it officially homologated, after the General Doctorate Committee has verified that this certificate accredits a training level equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's degree and giving access to doctoral studies in the country where it was issued. This admission does not imply, in any case, the official recognition of the student’s previous degrees nor its recognition for purposes others than accessing doctoral education.
    5. To be in the possession of another Spanish title of doctor obtained according to previous university regulations.

Admission profile

The recommended admission profile is preferably a student who, having met the access requirements and having completed a scientific and / or technological Master's degree, has acquired competences that enable him/her to apply scientific and technical methods to pose and solve problems for research, development and industrial applications in the field of chemical and process industry.

Thus, students who can accredit having passed one of the following studies can access the PhD Programme in Basic and Applied Chemistry:

(RD: 778/1989) DEA

  • PhD Programme in Chemistry
  • PhD Programme in Chemical Engineering
  • PhD Programme in Agricultural Chemistry, Edaphology, Geology and Environment

(RD: 56/2005)

  • One of the Postgraduate Master’s programmes in Chemistry
  • One of the Postgraduate Master’s programmes in Chemical Engineering
  • Master’s degree in Agricultural Chemistry
  • Interuniversity Master's degree in Physics and Mathematics (Universities of Granada and Castilla La Mancha)

(RD: 1393/2007)

  • Master’s degree in Fine and Molecular Chemistry
  • Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering
  • Master’s degree in Agricultural Chemistry
  • Master’s degree in Biomedical or Health Sciences.
  • Master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  • Master’s degree in Sustainable Use and Protection of Soils in Mediterranean Environments
  • Master’s degree in Technology, Administration and Water Management
  • Master’s degree in Nutrition, Technology and Food Safety
  • Master’s degree in Forensic Science

Additionally, all those who have passed a Master's degree in science and/or technology in which, according to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Basic and Applied Chemistry, they have acquired the following competences:

  • Have advanced knowledge in some scientific or technological field; ability to critically interpret theory and practice in that field and skills related to information and communication technologies.
  • Be able to interpret the results of a research study in some scientific or technological field and make decisions based on the results obtained.
  • Be able to understand and assimilate the content of the publications related to some field of scientific or technological research and to advance in the learning of said field.
  • Be able to interact with people specialised in related scientific environments; this is essential in developing quality innovative or multidisciplinary research.
  • Have basic interpersonal and teamwork skills to conduct research in a research group and be able to reflect on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge.
  • To be able to communicate conclusions and the latest supporting knowledge and reasons to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

Admission Criteria

The admissions procedure established by the regulations and instructions for admission and registration at the University of Murcia, as approved for each academic year, will be applied.

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Basic and Applied Chemistry is the organ in charge of selecting students.

In the event that the demand exceeds the offer, in addition to the aforementioned access requirements, and according to what is established in Article 7 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will assess and select the students according to the following criteria:

  • Academic record (70%)
  • Professional and research experience (15%)
  • Capacity of analysis, attitude and motivation to carry out their Doctoral Thesis evaluated through personal interview (15%)

It is understood that the basic criterion for student selection should be academic (adequacy of the academic background to the PhD programme and performance, expressed in the academic record), given that it is an objective criterion, and also that it is the criterion that best guarantees that students have the adequate knowledge and abilities to succeed in their doctoral studies. However, in the event that it is necessary to select students among those who meet the academic requirements, personal interviews with the applicants mentioned above will be used to assess aspects such as personal maturity, motivation, initiative or individual and team work capacity.

In addition, the applicant must detail their chosen research line and group, so that the Academic Committee of the Programme, after consulting with the teachers in charge of the programme, may assess their training suitability. If this training is deemed to be lacking, in such a way that the student’s integration in the chosen research line may be at risk, the Academic Committee of the Programme, after consultation with the corresponding teachers, will propose some training supplements (see section on training supplements), and will communicate the decision to the interested parties.

In addition to these criteria, the Academic Committee of the Doctorate Programme may take into account other more specific criteria, which will be duly published and reported to the students.

The lists of admitted students will be published in the Official Noticeboard of the University of Murcia (TOUM); other means of publicity may be established by rectoral decision.

Admission to the Doctoral Programme does not mean, in any case, any modification or recognition of previous qualifications.

For students with specific needs derived from disability, the Academic Committee of the Doctorate Programme will propose, case by case, the appropriate support and counselling services, and will consider, if necessary, appropriate adaptations.

Doctoral students admitted to a doctoral programme will enrol annually at the University of Murcia, for academic supervision. The enrolment will be made in the management unit enabled for this purpose, according to the requirements established in the norms complementary regulations and admissions and registration instructions that are approved by the University of Murcia for each academic year.

Students with Special Educational Needs

Article 8 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia states that in the event of students with special educational needs derived from a disability, the selection and admissions systems and procedures will include the relevant action to favour, as far as possible, equality in the access conditions and integration in all aspects. To do so, the Service of Attention to Diversity and Volunteers (ADV) will evaluate the need for possible syllabus adaptations.

Number of places available: 45