Complementos formativos Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades: Bellas Artes, Literatura, Teología, Traducción e Interpretación y Lingüística General e Inglesa

The University of Murcia, in its Regulations governing the official doctoral studies (approved by the Governing Board on 27 January 2012), establishes, in Chapter I, Article 7, Section 2b of the regulations for the requirements to access a doctoral programme, that applicants holding an official Spanish Degree or Graduate Certificate with a duration of at least 300 ECTS credits, must compulsorily complete the training supplements referred to in Article 7.2 of the Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January, unless the syllabus of the degree includes research training credits of an equivalent value to the research credits in master's degree studies.

Graduates from universities others than the University of Murcia or specialised in areas of knowledge other than those of the research line in which they wish to pursue their doctorate may, at the discretion of their tutors and considering their previous academic training, complete their training with courses or modules from the master’s degrees taught at the University of Murcia. These training complements will be included in the Work Plan designed by the tutor / advisor, with an estimated time schedule and the means needed so as to achieve the proposed objectives and with reference, if appropriate, to the specific training complements that the doctoral student must carry out.

Thus, depending on each line of research, the training complements associated with it are detailed below:

Research line: Fine Art

The training complements correspond to the following courses/modules of the Master's Degree in Production and Artistic Management (

  • Methodology and research in fine art
  • Research workshop on artistic practice or Research workshop on artistic management

Research line: Theology

The training complements correspond to the following courses / modules of the Master's Degree in Theology


  • Scientific research methodology
  • Core topics of current Fundamental Theology
  • Writing and tradition, sources of Theology

Research line: Historical and synchronic linguistics

The training complements correspond to the following courses / modules of the Master's Degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (

  • Theoretical foundations for linguistic data analysis
  • Research methodology in theoretical and applied linguistics
  • Contemporary linguistics and history of linguistic thinking

Research line: English Linguistics

The training complements correspond to the following courses / modules of the Master's Degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (

  • Theoretical foundations for the analysis of linguistic data
  • Research methodology in theoretical and applied linguistics
  • English as a global language: past, present and future

Research line: Literature

The training complements correspond to the following courses / modules of the Master's Degree in European Comparative Literature (

  • Theory of contemporary literature: canon, cultural studies, post-colonialism
  • Literary criticism, genres, forms and themes
  • Principles of comparative literature. Periodisation, internationality, historiology

Research line: Translation and interpretation

The training complements correspond to the following courses / modules of the Master's Degree in Editorial Translation (

  • Theory of text interpretation and translation
  • Marketing and computer tools for editorial translators
  • Orthography and writing in Spanish