Before enrolling in the PhD program

Students must choose a tutor and a supervisor before enrolling. It is therefore advisable that students choose the PhD research field and contact prospective tutors and supervisors in advance. A professor may act as both tutor and supervisor of the same student

PhD Program: Duration, commitment, leaves and changes

Full-time students have 3 years (with an extension of 1 year and exceptionally another additional year up to 5 years) to complete their PhD. Part-time students have 5 years (with an extension of 2 years and exceptionally another additional year up to 8 years).

No minimum period of time has been established. However, students are not allowed to submit or defend their thesis during the first year. Exceptional cases must be examined by the Academic Committee of each program.

Yes, they can. Students applying for a change before the 29th of July will start as part-time students that year (retroactive effect). Students applying later will start their part-time commitment from the date of application

Yes, students are entitled to sick leave time. Additionally, you may also need to ask the Academic Committee of the program for a year leave due to personal reasons that, exceptionally, may be extended for an additional and consecutive year.

No, you cannot. It is possible, however, to cancel your current program and apply for another one. Please bear in mind that you will start the new program from scratch since stays or academic training activities will not be considered. Please be also aware that your admission application may be rejected. 

Doctoral academic programs

Interdisciplinary activities; specific activities of the different PhD programs; and additional activities.

Students must register their activities by logging into the PhD online application (www.doctorado.um.es) > “Acceso a Gestión de doctorado” [Manage your doctoral program].

Activities organized by EIDUM and shared by 2 or more programs. Some programs have established these activities as compulsory. Others, however, have set out a certain number of hours to be completed by students, who will decide along with their tutor and supervisor which activities fit their interests best. Students can choose when to carry out a specific activity, although some have a required level.

Only those activities that have been previously offered as online activities. Further information about online activities can be found on the EIDUM website by clicking on “Actividades Formativas Transversales” [Interdisciplinary academic activities)] > “Guías docentes” [Course programs].

? If students cannot attend most sessions, they should not undertake that activity. However, when activities involve different class groups, students can email eidum@um.es requesting a change of class group if they cannot attend in duly justified cases.

Information about the date and the program can be found on EIDUM website by clicking on “Actividades Formativas Transversales” [Interdisciplinary academic activities] > “Guías docentes” [Course programs].

A PhD seminar is a meeting on a given topic that EIDUM organizes occasionally.

They are specific activities of a program. They can be compulsory or optional. Sometimes similar programs agree to offer an activity jointly.

They are activities which students can carry out as part of their academic training in addition to EIDUM activities and to specific activities of their program. Additional activities include conferences, courses, seminars, stays, meetings, etc.

Research stays, attendance at conferences, courses relating to the thesis research topic and with a MECES 4 level (Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education), that is to say, higher than a master level. It is necessary to introduce activities in students’ register and tutors and supervisors are required to validate them.

Because some activities are offered in different areas in order to respect and reflect the specificity of the different research areas; others are offered at different levels; there are also activities reflecting different aspects of the same topic.

No, it focuses on teaching how to write a research paper or how to communicate results. Students are expected to have at least a B2 level.

Just for those activities taking place in small computer rooms (e.g., the course on Bibliographic Resources). Generally, several class groups are established, but if students cannot undertake the activity given the limited number of places, they may undertake it next year.

It varies among programs. Some programs specify the number of hours, others simply establish which activities are compulsory. Further information about the different programs can be found on the EIDUM website by clicking on “Doctorados” [PhD programs].

The tutor is in charge of giving advice on the number of hours and activities students should  undertake to achieve effective academic training.

No, it is not. Students can only carry out EIDUM interdisciplinary teaching activities, specific activities within their own programs, and additional activities such as conferences, stays, etc.

Normally no, because they would not have a MECES 4 level (Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education), except for the case of students coming from a previous PhD program or a program from another country. In this case, the Academic Committee of the program must review the adequacy of the activities. The PhD General Committee would evaluate and validate activities in the case of research stays or publications.

On the one hand, academic training activities include interdisciplinary courses and activities organized by EIDUM, specific activities within a PhD program, and additional activities, such as conferences, stays, etc. On the other hand, academic complements are activities that students are required to complete when the Academic Committee considers their training is not adequate or sufficient to guarantee their success in the doctoral program. Students must carry out these activities in their first year.

It is an interdisciplinary conference organized by EIDUM, in which students can submit communications or posters on their doctoral research. It also includes plenary talks, seminars and round tables on different research areas. Certificates are issued for communications/posters and/or attendance. This conference usually takes place at the end of May or beginning of June.

For activities included in the PhD online application, tutors and supervisors will receive an email requesting validation before the activities take place. They will not receive an email if activities are not included in the PhD online application (e.g., specific activities within a PhD program and additional activities such as stays or conferences). In this case, activities must be introduced by students or by the program coordinator by logging into the PhD online application > clicking on “Actividades” [Activities] >“Actividades opcionales” [Additional activities]. Thereupon, activities must be validated by tutors and supervisors prior verification. It is advisable to remind them to validate the activities.

Yes, they can withdraw from activities by logging into the PhD application and clicking on “Actividades” [Activities] > “Renuncia de actividades” [Withdrawal from activities]. Students must withdraw from an activity when they cannot attend, especially if there are limited places.

Languages and theses: thesis published as a collection of papers, international thesis, industrial thesis and cotutelle agreement.

In Spanish or any other language widely used within the research area of the program. If written in a language different to Spanish, a 2000 words abstract must be included in Spanish. If written in a language other than English, an abstract in English must be included, and authorization from the PhD General Committee must be requested before submitting the thesis.

At least 3 articles published in international databases. In the field of science, such databases are usually those included on the Web of Science, on JCR. In other areas, the index criteria of the Spanish Committee for the Assessment of Research Activity (CNEAI) over a six-year period (“Sexenio”) are used. In addition to 3 articles, students must also write a general introduction and final conclusions.

Law establishes that thesis must be open access. However, in the event of a dispute, students may request a postponement of the open access publication. For further information, please consult the EIDUM website > “Normativa” [Regulations] >”Regulación de la lectura y publicidad de las tesis doctorales en circunstancias excepcionales de confidencialidad” [Regulation on thesis defense and publication, subject to confidentiality agreements]. There is not such a problem in the case of a thesis published as a collection of papers since the articles need to be previously accepted for publication.

The international mention adds value to the thesis. It is specified in the PhD diploma and an added merit for candidates to teaching positions at Spanish universities

A stay of at least 3 months abroad at a higher education institution or a leading research center. The 3 months can be spent in different periods of a minimum of 1 month; at least the abstract and either the conclusions or the introduction must be written in a different language than the official languages in Spain (even for stays in Spanish-speaking countries); a quality report from two experts (PhDs) from a higher education institution or a research institution outside Spain; at least one of the members of the Committee for the PhD defense must be from a higher education institution or a research institution outside Spain (he/she may be from the university chosen for the research stay, but cannot be the person who invited them there).

No agreement is needed. However, students must comply with the EIDUM mobility protocol for research stays. It is necessary to fill in the form available on the EIDUM website > “Impresos y Guías” [Forms and Guides] and submit it to the Academic Committee of the program.

Yes, they can. However, they must bear in mind that in the case of minority languages, it may be difficult to find two experts able to provide reports as well as a member for the Examining Committee.

A thesis supervised by a UM professor and a supervisor from a partner university abroad. A Cotutelle agreement between two Spanish universities is not permitted. In such a case, it would be a thesis under joint supervision.

Students must enroll in the University of Murcia and in a university abroad, although they just must pay single tuition (the one specified in the agreement). It is necessary to sign an ad hoc agreement so that each student will regulate the number of stays in each university, tuition, thesis defense, etc. The legislation establishes, as a minimum requirement a six-month stay in each center. The stays can be split into different periods. Students obtain two different PhD titles, issued by each university. Further information about the Cotutelle agreement Regulation can be found on the EIDUM website > “Normativa” [Regulations], including an application form and a draft agreement.

Yes, it is. However, it is advisable to start the process in the first year since the signature of the agreement (it can take from 2 to 4 months) is required to take the stays into account.

It is an industrial PhD on a project developed by universities and companies in order to foster students’ employability

A cooperation agreement between a university and a company leading to a research or experimental development project, with a special focus on it industrial nature. This has to be reflected in the initial research plan and in the report when submitting the thesis and requesting the industrial PhD; students must have an employment or commercial contract with the company to carry out the project for at least a year (full-time) or two years (part-time); students must have a university supervisor and a company tutor. The company tutor may also be the supervisor if he/she proves a research experience of 3 years as a PhD doctor; students may also obtain scholarships from the Ministry of Education, the Foundation Seneca and the European Union on this type of PhD. Further information about this type of PhD can be found on the EIDUM website > International or Industrial thesis [“Mención Internacional o Industrial”].

Yes, it is possible as long as the company is able to issue a commercial contract.

Yes, it is possible as long as all requirements of each thesis are accomplished. The company must agree on students’ research stays abroad for a minimum of 3 months.

Submission and defense of PhD Thesis

A positive report from the tutor or supervisor or, as the case may be, from co-supervisors; the authorization from the Academic Committee of the program and the Committee’s proposal for the Examining Board; the authorization from the PhD General Committee; moreover, the thesis must have been publicly displayed for 15 working days.

Every step is mentioned on the University of Murcia website > “Vicerrectorado de Estudios” [Vice-Rectorate for Graduate and Postgraduate studies] https://www.um.es/documents/877924/9652439/Procedimiento-presentacion-defensa-tesis-doctoral-18-19.pdf/7b7e093d-81dd-48b4-a7ff-1204823d23a9. It is advisable to start the process at least 3 months in advance in order to have enough time since PhD and Research Area Committees authorizing the defense only meet once a month.

The thesis will be evaluated during a public PhD viva by an Examining Board (currently constituted by 3 members), in which most doctors must not be part of the University of Murcia or other collaborating entities.

No apto [Fail], Apto [Pass], Notable [Pass with distinction], Sobresaliente [Pass with honours]. The Examining Board will decide whether candidates with the grade of Sobresaliente [Pass with honors] also deserve to be awarded the special mention of “Cum Laude”.

PhD management: academic committee, tutor, supervisor and PhD student

Procedures relating to PhD training can be carried out by logging into the PhD online application (https://doctorado.um.es/). A guide can also be found on the EIDUM website > “Impresos y Guías” [Forms and Guides] > “Guías de Uso Aplicación de Doctorado” [How to use the PhD online application].

Deadlines are published annually on the EIDUM website homepage > Relevant deadlines

Yes, deadlines are the same, even if part-time students have more time to finish their PhD.

Students must sign their Letter of Engagement, elaborate and improve their Research Plan annually and update the student’s activities register.

They can consult their academic record by logging into the PhD online application. Then, clicking on “Acceso a Gestión de doctorado” [Manage your doctoral studies] > “Expedientes” [Files] > “Consultar un expediente” [Consult a file].

A document establishing the principles of the accord between PhD students and supervisors.  It defines students’ and supervisor’s rights and duties, as well as mutual agreements between any member (PhD student, tutor, supervisor and even the University of Murcia, represented by the Vice-Chancellor for Research) in order to guarantee the shaping up and development of an original and innovative research plan, a training plan that meets the students’ needs, and the satisfactory completion of the student’s PhD thesis.

Students can download the document in the PhD online application, by clicking on “Acceso a Gestión de doctorado” [Manage your doctoral studies] > “Expedientes” [Files]. It is advisable to sign the document as soon as supervisors are appointed. You cannot download the document if a supervisor has not been appointed. The document must be signed by the PhD student, tutor, supervisor and Vice-Chancellor for Research.

It is a detailed proposal indicating the way students are going to carry out their PhD research. It is elaborated by students, under the supervision of their tutor and supervisor/s.

Prior to finish the first year of your PhD training. It must be signed and validated by the tutor and supervisor/s. Students must upload their Research Plan into the PhD online application, by clicking on “Acceso a Gestión de doctorado” [Manage your doctoral studies] > “Expedientes” [Files] > “Plan de Investigación” [Research Plan].

It must be updated and then validated annually by the tutor and supervisor/s. All of them must upload the document into the web application.

Templates are available on the EIDUM website > “Impresos y Guías” [Forms and Guides].

They must validate the academic training activities which students have applied for; the tutor validates EIDUM interdisciplinary activities and specific activities within a program on the web application; and both tutors and supervisors must validate additional activities (including specific activities that are not on the web application and must, thus, be manually introduced by the students); they must validate both the initial research plan and the annually updated version; they must also write and upload the students’ progress report annually. All of the abovementioned can be done through the online application (www.doctorado.um.es). They must upload the monitoring report into the application.

It is a report drafted by tutors and supervisors recording  students’ activity and progress. All of them must upload the report onto the web.

It is the body who organizes, designs and coordinates the program. It is therefore responsible for students’ academic training. It is represented by the program coordinator.

The Academic Committee authorizes students’ admission, extensions, part-time PhDs, temporary leaves, the appointment of tutors and supervisors. It also evaluates annually the research plan and students’ activities portfolio , thesis submission and the Examining Board members.

Tutors are in charge of ensuring the adequacy of students’ training to the PhD program principles. They should also facilitate students’ interaction with the Academic Committee.

Supervisors carry the greatest responsibility in planning, monitoring and guiding students’ research training, including their thesis impact and novelty.

It is necessary to have a minimum of 3 years of research experience as a PhD doctor.

Yes, students can have up to 3 co-supervisors, but no more than 2 from the same university or institution.

The procedure to appoint supervisors depends on each program, since they are appointed by the Academic Committee of the program. Nevertheless, students are advised to contact a supervisor before entering the program.

Yes, as long as  the minimum requirements established for being a tutor are met. EIDUM regulation requires that the tutor is  affiliated to the program and at least 60 % of the teaching staff must have two “Sexenios” (two six-year research periods awarded)—the last one may not be in force—or one “Sexenio vivo” (one active six-year research period awarded). For further information, please consult the School Regulation on the EIDUM website > “Normativa” [Regulations].

During the first two weeks of September, the Academic Committee approves or denies the students’ authorization to continue their PhD training after having evaluated their research plans and the monitoring reports of tutors and supervisors.

Students can enroll again for the next academic year, but they must submit a new research plan in order to be evaluated within 6 months (until March).

Students’ enrollment in the program will be definitively cancelled without any possibility of a new evaluation.

The deadline is usually in January, but it is advisable to appoint them as soon as possible. Please check all exact deadlines on the website.

The deadline is usually in April. It is advisable to submit it in advance and check the deadline on the website.

The deadline is usually in July. It is advisable to submit it in advance and check the deadline on the website.

The deadline is usually in the first week of September. It is advisable to check the deadline on the website.

Mobility, funding and scholarships

EIDUM along with CMN (Campus Mare Nostrum) provide scholarships for this purpose (please consult the EIDUM website > “Becas” [Scholarships]). Students can also apply for Erasmus+ and Erasmus Internship grants. For further information, please contact International Relations.

Yes, Erasmus Internship actually includes both universities and research centers, and no agreement is needed between the institutions. For further information, please contact International Relations.

Yes, there is a wide range of scholarships for postgraduate and PhD studies. For further information, please consult the EIDUM website > “Becas” [Scholarships].

Outgoing mobility includes UM insurance for students covering certain circumstances such as accidents in the workplace. However, it is advisable to have wider health insurance

Yes, they can. It is possible to apply for an extension in order to finish the thesis.