
What it is?

Do you know what the SDGs are?

In 2015 the countries of the world adopted the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to cover the main needs of the world and make it a fairer, more equal place that looks after the planet.

That is some challenge for humankind and one that will not be achieved unless all sectors of the population pull their weight. Universities play a fundamental role in today’s society and in the society of tomorrow and, as such they cannot shun their responsibility in this matter.

This why we, at the University of Murcia, have decided to respond to the challenge and chip in with a new project called 17 Odsesiones. The name is a play on words as SG in Spanish is OD, so we can talk about being obsessed with our Odsessions. Basically, we’re aiming to assist these goals.

It’s a transversal project that runs from 2019 to 2021 and it will bring together faculties, centers, NGOs, public administration, industry, experts, researchers  and students in an effort to raise awareness about the situation we are in and set about improving it.

So each month will be devoted to one of the goals and the most relevant faculties will organize all types of talks, artistic exhibitions, and cultural events to show their solidarity with the goal, with social change, and will collaborate with NGO and other sectors of society.




One of the main pillars of the work we wish to pursue is Curricular Sustainabilization. Students should not complete their studies without knowing about the SDG and how they can assist these in their specific fields of knowledge and in their professions. Deep consideration will, therefore, be given on how to incorporate SDG into the teaching plans.

Whether you’re a student, a member of staff or even someone outside the university, we want you to join in the 17ODSesiones project, because putting the world on the best path is a matter of concern for everybody.

Odsesionate and assist the goals!


Universidad de Murcia

Vicerrectorado de Responsabilidad Social y Cultura UMU

Facultad de Medicina, Planta 3ª

Campus de Espinardo

30100 Murcia

868 88 9370- 868 88 9371
