XXV Congreso Internacional de AESLA

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New Deadline for Proposals: January the 10th





The organising committee of the next AESLA conference is pleased to announce the 25th Annual conference to be held at the University of Murcia (Campus de la Merced), situated in the city centre, from 19th to 21st April, 2007. The theme of the conference is 25 years of Applied Linguistics in Spain: milestones and challenges.

Proposals will be accepted for studies related to the areas represented by the ten thematic panels around which our association is structured. The Conference is organised by the Department of English Studies at the University of Murcia.




President: Rafael Monroy

General Secretary: Aquilino Sánchez

Aux. Secretary: Nila Vázquez


Members participating in the different subcommittees:


Pilar Aguado


Manuela López

Moisés Almela


Lola López-Maestre

Antonio Barcelona


Rosa Manchón

Pascual Cantos


Florentina Mena

Lourdes Cerezo


Liz Murphy

Raquel Criado


Mª. Angeles Orts

J. A. Cutillas


Pascual Pérez

María Dueñas


Purificación Sánchez

Piedad Fernández


Dagmar Scheu

Francisco Gutiérrez


Cristina Soriano

Juan M. Hernández


Mar Vilar





Antonio Barcelona, Universidad de Murcia

Aquilino Sánchez, Universidad de Murcia

Clive Perdue (CNRS y Université de Paris VIII), Investigador del CNRS

Dagmar Scheu, Universidad de Murcia

Florentina Mena, Universidad de Murcia

Francisco Gutiérrez, Universidad de Murcia

Françoise Meyer, Universidad de Los Andes, Chile

Joanna Pawelczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University, Polonia
David Britain, University of Essex, UK
Juan M. Hernández, Universidad de Murcia

Klaus-Uwe Panther, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Hamburgo

Liz Murphy, Universidad de Murcia

Lourdes Cerezo, Universidad de Murcia

Lynn Cameron, University of Lancaster

Manuela López, Universidad de Murcia

María Dueñas, Universidad de Murcia

Michael Sharwood Smith, Heriot Watt University, Edimburgo

Natalie Schilling-Estes, Georgetown University, USA
Pascual Cantos, Universidad de Murcia

Pascual Pérez Paredes, Universidad de Murcia

Piedad Fernández, Universidad de Murcia

Purificación Sánchez, Universidad de Murcia

Rafael Monroy, Universidad de Murcia

Rebecca Clift, University of Essex, UK
Rocío Elena Caravedo Barrios, Università di Pisa, Italia
Rosa Manchón, Universidad de Murcia

Wolfgang Teubert, University of Birmingham

Zoltán Cövecses, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


We have confirmed the following plenary speakers:

-Profra. Françoise Salager-Meyer

Universidad de Los Andes,Venezuela

-Profra. Jane Setter

Universidad de Reading  

-Profra. Natalie Schilling-Estes 

Universidad de Georgetown, USA

-Prof. W. Teubert

Universidad de Birmingham

-Profra. Lourdes Ortega

Universidad de Hawai at Manoa

-Profra. Carmen Muñoz

Universidad Central de Barcelona

-Profr. K. Hyland

Universidad de Londres



AESLA's Organising Committee warmly welcomes submissions on any topic within the field of Applied Linguistics. Main research areas:


• Language acquisition and learning

• Language teaching and syllabus design

• Language for specific purposes

• Language psychology, child language and psycholinguistics

• Sociolinguistics

• Pragmatics

• Discourse analysis

• Corpus and computational linguistics

• Lexicology and lexicography

• Translation and interpreting


Proposals for papers, round tables or posters should be sent before 1st December 2006 to the Chair of the appropriate panel. When presenting proposals, members should follow the guidelines below:








Papers should last twenty minutes followed by ten minutes of discussion. Members who wish to propose a paper should send the following documents:


a. Two printed copies, following the model attached, with the name and surnames of the author or authors, their professional details, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail address, the thematic area to which the paper belong, title, two abstracts, one in the language in which the paper will be given and another in a second language (100-200 words).


b. A text file in Word or RTF format with the information contained in paragraph A above to be sent by email as an attachment or on a disk. The file name should include the first surname and initials of the author or one of the authors.


c. Three anonymous printed copies which should include the title, the abstract and the complete text of the paper. The text should be no more than 2.500 words long including footnotes and references and excluding the abstract.


Please note: the complete texts should not be sent by email but by post (snail mail).


Round tables


Round tables generally consist of three or four papers linked by a common theme, and offered together under a generic title by the co-ordinator of the table. Each presentation may take up to half an hour, with a further hour at the most for discussion at the end. Proposals for round tables should be made in the same way as proposals for papers (see above) except that the subtitle of the round table, details of all the participants and abstracts of all of the presentations should appear in documents A and B. The name of the coordinator and the generic title of the round table should also appear. Document C should contain three anonymous copies of each of the talks.





Posters will be on display for the entire duration of the conference and time will be set aside in the programme for attendees to be able to visit the display and to have the opportunity to ask questions of the authors. In order to put forward a poster proposal, members must send the documentation mentioned in parts A and B (see above) to the director of the appropriate panel by registered post. All those who send a proposal will be notified by the end of January 2007 whether their proposal has been:


accepted for presentation

accepted for presentation and publication

not accepted






At the end of the conference, speakers should deliver a printed copy of the definitive version of their paper, round table or poster to the chair of the appropriate panel. They should also deliver a disc copy in Word or RTF for subsequent publication. The text should meet the guidelines for manuscript submission to the RESLA journal except in regard to length. These guidelines can be consulted at:






Listed below are the names and addresses of the chairing AESLA's Commisions to whom proposals should be sent:



Acquisition and learning


Dra. Esther Álvarez

Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585

E - 08007 Barcelona

Tel.: +34 934 035 691

Fax: +34 933 171 249

E-mail: alvarez@ub.edu



Dra. Lourdes Díaz

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Departament de Traducció i Filologia

Rambla Santa Mònica, 30-32

Barcelona 08002

Tel.: +34-93-542 2310

Fax: +34 935 421 617

E-mail: lourdes.diaz@trad.upf.es



Language teaching and syllabus design


Dra. Marian Amengual

Universitat de les Illes Balears

Campus universitari

Edifici Beatriu de Pinós

Cra. de Valldemossa, Km. 7.5

E - 07122 Palma de Mallorca

Tel.: +34 971 17 23 13

Fax: +34 971 17 23 09

E-mail: dfemap0@uib.es



Language for specific purposes


Dra. Ana Mª Roldán Riejos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
E.T.S.I de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Ciudad universitaria, 28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 336 53 86
Fax: +34 91 549 22 89



Language psychology, child language and psycholinguistics


Nicolás Gutierrez-Palma
Universidad de Jaen
Departamento de Psicología
Campus las Lagunillas S/N. Edificio D2.
23071. Jaen
Tels: +34 953211998 (office)
+34 953211814 (psychology department)
+34 686989919
Fax: +34 953211881





Dra. Raquel Casesnoves FerrerUniversitat Pompeu Fabra
Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada
La Rambla, 30-32 08002 BARCELONA
Tels: +34 935 422 309
+34 666679085





Silvia Molina Plaza
Dpto de Filología Moderna, UCLM, Facultad de Letras
Avda. Camilo José Cela, s/n, Campus Universitario 13071 CIUDAD REAL
Tel: +34 926295300 Ext. 3114



Discourse analysis


Keith Douglas Stuart

E.P.S.A. Universitat Politècnica de València

Edif. Ferrándiz, 2 03801 ­ Alcoi (Alacant)

Tel: 96 6528495

E-mail: kstuart@idm.upv.es



Corpus and computational linguistics


Dra. Luz Gil Salom

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

E. T. S. de Informática Aplicada

Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada

Camino de Vera, 14

46022 Valencia

Tel.: +34 963877536

Fax: +34 963877219

E-mail: mlgil@idm.upv.es



Lexicology and lexicography


Dra. María Sandra Peña Cervel

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Facultad de Filología

Dpto. de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas

Paseo Senda del Rey, 7

28040 Madrid

Tel.: +34 913 988 469

Fax: +34 913 986 674

E-mail: spena@flog.uned.es


Translation and interpreting


Dra. Carmen Valero Garcés

Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Depto Filología Moderna

Colegio de S. José de Caracciolos

28801 Alcalá de Henares

Tel.: +34 91 885 43 57

Fax: +34 913 986 674

E-mail: carmen.valero@uah.es




25th International AESLA Conference
(Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics)
University of Murcia, 19-21 April 2007

The Organising Committee



Web Page Created and Maintained by Nila Vázquez
Last Updated: 12/03/07