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             Translated!: An Interactive Festival on Literary Translation
Formación. Talleres y cursos 12 de octubre del 2010
Translated!: An Interactive Festival of Literary Translation

Monash University, School of Language, Cultures & Linguistics
February 7–12, 2011, The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne, Australia

The Interactive Festival of Literary Translation is aimed at early- to mid-career translators and will involve a week-long residential program of hands-on translation practice, as well as a number of public events such as talks and panel discussions addressing various aspects of the theory, practice and business of literary translation.

Hands-on practice will be offered in the form of daily language-specific workshops led by an expert translator and the author of the text to be translated. Participants will be organised into French–English, Spanish–English and German–English language groups, comprising approx. 10 participants.

Translated! will provide a stimulating opportunity for translators and writers to work together and learn from one another as well as from literary professionals, creating a practical and coherent mechanism for improving the quantity, quality and dissemination of literature in translation published in Australia.

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