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             LAST CALL FOR PAPERS (20 noviembre)
Investigación. Congresos y jornadas 16 de noviembre del 2011
Transmedia Catalonia Research Group
Centre for Accessibility and Ambient Intelligence in Catalonia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Theme of the conference
In four decades the video game industry has become a worldwide phenomenon, generating millions in revenue every year. Video games are increasingly becoming more elaborate and sophisticated, with advanced graphics and intricate story lines, and developers and publishers need to reach the widest possible audience in order to maximise their return on investment. Translating games into other languages and designing games that can be played for a wide spectrum of players, regardless of their (dis)ability, are two obvious ways to contribute to increasing the audience for the game industry.

However, to date, both industry and academia have paid little attention to the emerging fields of game localization and accessibility, as well as accessibility to virtual worlds, also known as metaverses, and the role
translation plays in them. Academic studies focusing on game localization and accessibility of games and virtual worlds are few and far between, despite the fact that further research in localization and accessibility is beneficial to all. The industry can benefit by reaching the broadest possible audience, while the audience can benefit from having improved access to games and virtual worlds. A more systematic and interdisciplinary approach bringing together academics from different disciplines with various research backgrounds and methodologies, such as translation studies, media studies, psychology, usability, engineering and computing, human rights, is required to promote further advances in these areas of study. 
Suggested topics
The II International Conference on Translation and Accessibility in Video Games and Virtual Worlds will cover the following topics. Proposals about related topics are also welcome: 

* Game localisation process
* Standardisation
* Quality issues
* Development and use of specialised tools
* Cultural adaptation and humour in games
* Dubbing and subtitling for game
* Localization of online, mobile phone, social games
* Fan translations
* Reception studies
* Game localisation and accessibility best practices
* Accessibility to video games and virtual worlds 
* Game audio design
* Design for all
* Role of translation in virtual worlds
* Accessible educational games.

Abstract proposals and deadlines
Abstract proposals (max. 300 words) should be sent by 20th November 2011 to: 

The successful I International Conference on Translation and Accessibility in Video Games and Virtual Worlds, held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in December 2010, became a meeting point for academic and
professionals working in the game industry and the game localisation industry, as well as students interested in this field. The second edition of the conference, Fun for All: II International Conference on Translation
and Accessibility in Video Games and Virtual Worlds, aims to continue fostering the interdisciplinary debate in these fields and contribute to the development of best practices. 
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