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Adaptation 1

Use of 3d mesh adaptation

Initial meshfinal mesh
cutsolid cut

download example: Laplace-Adapt-3d.edp or return to 3D examples

load "msh3" 
load "tetgen" 
load "mshmet" 
load "medit"
//build initial mesh
int nn  = 6;
int[int] l1111=[1,1,1,1],l01=[0,1],l11=[1,1];//   label numbering 
mesh3 Th3=buildlayers(square(nn,nn,region=0,label=l1111),
      nn,  zbound=[0,1],  labelmid=l11,   labelup = l01,  labeldown = l01);
Th3 = trunc(Th3,(x<0.5) | (y < 0.5) | (z < 0.5) ,label=1);// remove the $]0.5,1[^3 cube$
//end of build initial mesh
fespace Vh(Th3,P1);
Vh u,v,usol,h;

macro Grad(u) [dx(u),dy(u),dz(u)] // EOM

problem Poisson(u,v,solver=CG) = int3d(Th3)( Grad(u)'*Grad(v) )  // ') for emacs 
  -int3d(Th3)( 1*v ) + on(1,u=0);

real errm=1e-2;// level of error 

for(int ii=0; ii<5; ii++)
  cout <<" u min, max = " <<  u[].min << " "<< u[].max << endl;
  h=0. ;// for resizing h
  cout <<" h min, max = " <<  h[].min << " "<< h[].max << " " << h[].n << " " << Th3.nv << endl;
  errm*= 0.8;// change the level of error
  cout << " Th3" << Th3.nv < " " << Th3.nt << endl;

return to 3D examples

Page last modified on April 24, 2014, at 01:13 PM