
null Summer University Namibia 2017

VAEA is an international operating non profit organization from Austria with the main goal to establish sustainable exchange in the fields of education and culture between Southern Africa and Europe.

Since 2010 we are organizing the Summer University Namibia with the main focus on African European business relations at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. We believe that this program will be a great opportunity for students of the University of Murcia to gain important international experience.

Southern Africa is one of the fastest growing regions in the world. Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola and Mozambique have impressive high economic growth rates over the last years. Natural resources, political stability and a high level of education are the key factors for the economic success of Namibia and the whole region. In the next years business contacts to Southern Africa will become more and more important for the economic growth in Europe and America. VAEA gives students from Africa, Europe and America the unique chance to gain international experience in different fields and to strengthen the friendship between the two regions and to help with this projects to ensure the prosperity of both regions.

You find more detailed information on our homepage: