
null La Universidad Nacional de Cuyo de Argentina reconoce la labor investigador de la profesora de la UMU Linda Castañeda

UNCUYO LINDAQLa Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCUYO), situada en la ciudad argentina de Mendoza, entrega a la profesora de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Murcia un diploma de reconocimiento por su aportación a la difusión y formación en las temáticas de innovación pedagógica y la implementación de competencias digitales docentes en la UNCUYO, lo que fue aprobado por resolución rectoral en dicha universidad en mayo de 2022.

Así, la secretaria Académica de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, la doctora Dolores Lettelier, ha hecho entrega formal del diploma a la profesora Castañeda en un acto realizado en el edificio Rector Soler de nuestra universidad y al que ha asistido además el jefe del Área de Relaciones Internacional, Matías Balibrea, y el vicedecano de Relaciones Internacionales e Institucionales de la Facultad de Educación, Juan Antonio Solís.

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null Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Project "Inclusive Playgrounds" (PINC) coordinated by the University of Murcia

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On 16 and 17 December is taking place the virtual kick-off meeting of the Erasmus + Project "Inclusive Playgrounds" (PINC), 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082341. 

This project, Erasmus+ strategic partnership in the field of higher education, is coordinated by the Faculty of Sports Science of the University of Murcia (Spain).

The Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalization of the UMU has welcomed all partners, seven different institutions from five European countries: Spain, Italy, Belgium, Greece and the Czech Republic.

Project funding is 208.516 euros, and activities will be implemented for 30 months, until March 2023. 

PINC Partnership: 

  • University of Murcia (Spain)
  • Fundación Once (Spain)
  • University of Palermo (Italy)
  • CESIE (Italy)
  • Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
  • University of Thessaly (Greece)
  • AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium)

Furthermore, some associated partners will be involved in this project: Fundación Rafa Puede, ENTRAMADOS, CERMI and Europe Direct Region of Murcia.

This project, mainly addressed to students of the degrees of Education and Sports Science, has the main aim to design and prepare specific training for the acquisition of competences to facilitate inclusion at playgrounds during childhood. This will be achieved with the production of five guides about different aspects as the inclusive processes at the educational field, a theoretical guide about games, children in active play and providing community awareness towards inclusion.

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