Minimal Intelligence Lab

The world’s first laboratory in the philosophy of plant signaling and behavior.


Who are we?

We are a multidisciplinary research group with members from all over the world interested in questions about plant intelligence. Our research spans the scientific enterprise, from behavioral studies with climbing beans and pea plants to fundamental questions at the intersection of the biological and cognitive sciences. MINT Lab  members and collaborators come from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, and bring with them an eclectic array of methods and ideas.

Latest News

Zen Mind, Vegetal Mind

Read this blog post on the intersection of plant intelligence and buddhism.

The Science of Plant Intelligence & Neurobiology

“The different tips, the shoots, the roots — even the very notion, the very idea of an individual, is lost. It doesn't translate easily. It's something more akin to a form of swarm intelligence or collective intelligence, like a flock of birds, a school of fish. The...

Listening to & Being with the Earth: A Conversation with John Borrows & Paco Calvo

Plants show signs of communication and of learning. They produce and respond to many of the same neurochemicals as humans, including anesthetics. They share resources with one another, and when under threat, emit signals of warning and of pain.  Today on Speaking Out...

Call for Contributions for Dimensions of Radical Embodiment

Submit a contribution for the June 2024 meeting “Dimensions of Radical Embodiment”.

New Video on Diverse Intelligences featuring the MINT Lab

Scientists are discovering a surprising array of diverse intelligences across the universe. This video offers a look into findings from recent research about animal intelligence, and explores new ways of framing how we think about plant and cellular intelligences.

Upcoming Events

Key Research Questions

Plant Intelligence

What can plants tell us about the nature of intelligence? What is the best way to conceptualize “intelligence”, especially as it pertains to plants? What, if anything, is unique about plant intelligence?

Ecological Psychology

How do affordances influence perception, decision-making, and behavior? To what extent do environmental factors shape cognitive processes and how could this relate to plants?

Plant Consciousness

Can plants exhibit characteristics of consciousness? What biological mechanisms could support plant sentience in relation to environmental stimuli?


Can ecological communities collectively exhibit emergent properties of consciousness or intelligence? How might this communication contribute to group-level decision-making and adaptation?

MINT Lab Projects

Discover our projects.

Plant Memory and Learning

Plant Intelligence for Robotics and AI

Ecological Guidance of Plant Movement

Plant Intelligence and Sentience


Newest Publication

Planta Sapiens is now available worldwide!

We are unimaginable without plants, yet surprisingly blind to their powers and behaviors. Planta Sapiens weaves science and history into an absorbing exploration of the many ways that plants rise to the challenge of living.

Merlin Sheldrake

Author of Entangled Life

Are plants conscious? Before you say no, read this fascinating new book by philosopher and scientist Paco Calvo.

Michael Pollan

Author of This is your Mind on Plants, How to Change your Mind and other books

PLANTA SAPIENS presents “fertile possibilities” to the public and in doing so it has put science on nice…We should be delighted with Professor Calvo’s seeding of scientific curiosity for the hope that it offers.

Diana Beresfold-Kroeger

To Speak for the Trees


Call for Contributions for Dimensions of Radical Embodiment

Submit a contribution for the June 2024 meeting “Dimensions of Radical Embodiment”.

Call for Papers for the Inaugural Issue of Plant Perspectives

Submit your paper for the inaugural issue until 1 September 2023!

Call for Papers: Advances in Philosophical and Theoretical Plant Biology

Join the Call for Papers for the Journal “Advances in Philosophical and Theoretical Plant Biology”! Deadline is 31 of August, 2023!

Plant Intelligence
Plant Sentience
Philosophy of Plant Neurobiology

Odds and Ends




Science and the Arts

Microcosms: A Homage to Sacred Plants of the Americas

Ars Technica

Questioning Hierarchies Between Art and Science
