Centro Social Universitario


15 al 22 de junio de 2013. Italia. SOLICITUDES HASTA EL 30 DE MAYO. Programa Juventud en Acción.

Intercambio Juvenil "Caffé e Carcade" en Italia

Estimados universitarios,

Estamos seleccionando 6 estudiantes de la Universidad de Murcia para participar en el proyecto "Caffé e Carcadé", (Youth Exchange) del Programa Juventud en Acción, previsto en Caprarica di Lecce, ITALIA, los días 15 al 22 de junio de 2013.

Para participar en este encuentro europeo es imprescindible conocer el programa Juventud en Acción, pertenecer a la Universidad de Murcia, tener la edad señalada (18/30 años), experiencia en el campo de juventud e interculturalidad, motivación y buen nivel de inglés.

La organización italiana financia, a través del Programa Juventud en Acción,  el 70% de los costes de desplazamiento desde Murcia hasta el lugar de realización del proyecto. 100% de los costes de alojamiento y manutención incluidos.

Los interesados deben enviar los siguientes formularios:
* Formulario CSU (en español) nuevo
* Application form (en inglés)

csu@um.esantes del jueves 30 de mayo de 2013, a las 12:00h.

(mientras más completes los formularios, más posibilidades tendrás de ser seleccionado respeta el plazo señalado)

 Más información en inglés:

Caffè e Carcadè is a multilateral youth Exchang  that will involve 48 young people coming from 8 different countries of the European Union and north Africa Region: Greece, Malta,  Spain, Italy, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordania.

The exchange will take place in a village near Lecce, the province more to the south of the Region Puglia. The project will have a duration of 7 days, during wich the young participants will meet up all together in order to exchange know how and best practices about the theme of the trip, lived as an experience of knowledge and effective instrument for pursuing the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Programme, of the integration, of  the prejudice and of the intercultural dialogue, at the same time tracking virtuous behavior in order to gain culturally sustainable attitudes and approaches, to support a culturally and socially inclusive growth.

During the activities' programme of the exchange, there are scheduled in-depth workshops, Problem Solving, De briefing, meetings with youth associations and best organizations in the province of Lecce, with the same aims of Caffè e Carcadè. There will be realized activities that will involve actively also the indirect beneficiaries of the project (young people in disadvantage and with fewer opportunities of the province), it will be realized a manual of interculural education, that will allow a wider dissemination of the results.The manual of intercultural education will be created by the participants in its graphic parts and in its contents: this, they will be directly promoter of informations that will be spread from the bottom to the top, allowing a consolidation of the sense of responsibility and of the spirit of active citizenship, european in general, and in line with the priorities and the aims of the European Programme. There will be applied work methodologies aimed to the pursuit of non formal learning.

Every organisation will be represented by 5 participants (18-27 years old) + 1 leader group (No limit of age for the Leader Group).

The project will be held from the 15 to 22 June 2013.

Financial Condition: We couldn't avoid introducing a participation fee, however we did our best to keep it as low as possible. The participation fee will be of €15.00.

Travel Cost: As coordinatig organization we will buy the ticket for you. You will rembourse us the 30 % of the cost of the ticket by Hand when you will arrive. Before that We need your declaration of responsability where you declare Signe and Stamp the if you will not come you will rembourse to our organization the 100 % of the cost of the trip.

Accomodation and Meal: We will rembourse the 100% of accomodation and meal cost

VISA: We will remboure the 100% of Visa cost . We will provide to send you the official inviatation to your organization with the names and dates of the participants that you will give us thanks the link on below.

Más información:

E-mail: csu@um.es
Teléfono 868 88 8326


Ya tenemos los seleccionados para el encuentro juvenil en ITALIA!!!
Os esperamos el lunes a las 10:30h para informaros de todos los detalles!