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             Audiovisual Translation Week

El grupo TRAMA organiza la IV Semana de la Traducción Audiovisual, en la que tendrán lugar talleres, conferencias y debates sobre la TAV.

Del 11 al 14 de abril de 2011 en la Universitat Jaume I. 

Research. Conferences and Symposiums  | Read

March 08, 2011
             III Advanced Research Seminar on Audio Description
El grupo de investigación TransMedia Catalonia organiza los días 24 y 25 de marzo el III Advanced Research Seminar on Audio Description.
Research. Conferences and Symposiums  | Read

March 01, 2011
             International Postgraduate Conference in T&I
The event will be hosted by the University of Edinburgh on 28-30 October 2011.
Abstract submission deadline: Friday 1st April 2011
Research. Conferences and Symposiums  | Read

March 01, 2011
             Media for All 4 - Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stoc


28 June - 1 July 2011 

Research. Conferences and Symposiums  | Read

March 01, 2011
             Intensive Summer Course in Audiovisual Translation
Imperial College London will be running an Intensive Summer Course in Audiovisual Translation in different language combinations.
Training. Workshops and Courses  | Read

March 01, 2011
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