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Here you can find the files of some of the courses, talks and posters:

3h courses:

Richard Gardner: Structural theory of addition and symmetrization in convex geometry. Part I, Part II
Apostolos Giannopoulos: Banach-Mazur distance to the cube. Part I, Part II
Monika Ludwig: Valuations on convex bodies. Part I, Part II
Manuel Ritoré: Isoperimetric inequalities in convex sets. Part II
Francisco Santos: Hollow lattice polytopes and convex geometry. Parts I, II
Rolf Schneider: Convex Cones. Parts I, II
Gil Solanes: Integral geometry and valuations. Parts I, II


David Alonso: The negative square correlation property on ℓpn-balls
Andrea Colesanti: Valuations on spaces of functions
Dmitry Faifman: Extensions and non-extensions of the Weyl principle
Daniel Hug: Some asymptotic results for spherical random tessellations
Vitali Milman: Reciprocity and Indicatrices in Convexity
Thomas Wannerer: Angular curvature measures
Jesús Yepes: On Brunn-Minkowski inequalities in product metric measure spaces
Artem Zvavitch: Bezout inequality for mixed volumes


Antonio Cañete: Isodiametric and isominwidth inequalities for bisections of a planar convex body
Katherina von Dichter: Relating Brunn-Minkowski and Rogers-Shephard inequalities using the asymmetry measure of Minkowski
Rikke Eriksen: Uniqueness of the measurement function in Crofton’s formula with lines
David Iglesias: A discrete Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequality
Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages
Jan Kotrbatý: Octonion-valued forms: cobblestones on the road to ValSpin(9)
Andreas Kreuml: Fractional Sobolev norms and BV functions on manifolds
Nico Lombardi: Functional Orlicz Affine and Geominimal Surface Areas
Sebastian Manecke: Cone valuations, Gram's relation, and flag-angles
Daniele Pagnini: Valuations on Lipschitz functions: a characterization result
Michael Roysdon: Rogers-Shephard type inequalities for finite measures in the Euclidean Space
Shay Sadovsky: Volume inequalities for down-bodies