Cellular and Molecular Biology

Detection of glycoconjugates in the ductus epididymis of the prepubertal and adult horse by lectin histochemistry

F. Parillo1, G. Stradaioli2, A. Verini Supplizi3 and M. Monaci2

Istituti di 1Anatomia degli Animali Domestici, 20stetricia e Ginecologia e 3Produzioni Animali, Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria, Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy

Offprint requests to: Dr. F. Parillo, Istituto di Anatomia degli Animali Domestici, Facolts di Medicina Veterinaria, via San Costanzo 4,06126 Perugia, Italy

Summary. This paper describes an approach for studying the structure of glycoconjugates found in the principal cells lining the epididymal duct in adult and prepubertal horses, using ten different lectin horseradish conjugates: Con-A, LCA, WGA, GSA-II, SBA, PNA, RCA-I, DBA, UEA-I, and LTA. Saponification and sialidase procedures, followed by lectin binding, were employed to visualize the distribution and to reveal the sequence of sialoglycoconjugates in ductus epididymis. In the adult horse the results demonstrated variations in the content and distribution of glycosidic residues of glycoconjugates in different epididymal regions (caput, corpus, cauda) and vas deferens, suggesting that each epididymal segment has a specific function. In particular, staining of the Golgi-zone in the principal cells lining corpus epididymis was interpreted as evidence for synthesis and secretion of glycoconjugates and sialoglycoconjugates. In the prepubertal horse, only the gl ycocalyx of the epithelial cells lining the epididymal duct showed reactivity toward the different lectins used, suggesting hormonal regulation of the epididymis activity. Additionally, the heterogeneity of the lectin staining pattern of the adult horse epididymis reported in this investigation also suggests the existence of di fferent functional segments along the epididymal duct. Histol Histopathol 12, 691-700 (1997)

Key words: Horse, Ductus epididymis, Glycoconjugates, Lectins

DOI: 10.14670/HH-12.691