Seminar Hospital Pedagogy and ICT

From GITE (Research Group of Educational Technology) of Universidad of Murcia, we have organized a seminar in the context of ALTER Project. This training activity mean formal closure of the project. Seminar will be carried out in Sala de Grados of building Luis Vives of Universidad de Murcia and it will be followed live on the next link:

This seminar will feature researches on ICT and Hospital Pedagogy and experienced teachers in integrating ICT on Hospital Classrooms. Also to create a space to share experiences and ideas, this seminar aims encourage debate about news needs and working lines in Hospital Pedagogy and ICT, combining knowledge between researchers and teachers.

Guests’ interventions are divided into two parts. First part, speaker will make a presentation of no more than 30 minutes that will have the oportunity to tell their research projects and/or experience of ICT use in Hospital Classrooms. Second part (30 minutes) a debate with other invited speakers a debate with other invited speakers on the work presented is performed. Through this work structure is intended to generate dialogue between the invited speakers, with intention of building new lines to work in ICT and Hospital Pedagogy.
Have the participation as guests of Olga Lizasoáin, Carina González, Roser Pintó, Pilar Arnáiz, Mª José Reyes, Ángel Mejía, Ana Martínez, and some members of the research team of Project: Mª Paz Prendes (Proyecto ALTER head), Linda Castañeda, José Luis Serrano, Ana Ferrer, y José Blas García.



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