Isabel Maria Solano

Isabel Maria Solano

Isabel Maria Solano

Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology

She has a degree in Education from the University of Murcia and a PhD in Education. Currently she is lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia and member of the Educational Technology Research Group,  from the same university. She teaches at the elementary and primary grades of the University of Murcia. She has been a guest researcher at the University of Cambridge.
His doctoral thesis is on the video in the classroom. Currently, she is interested in the topic of digital competence of students and teachers, social networks in educational contexts, new approaches to ICT (Flipped Classroom) education and new network models (MOOC). She has participated and participate alongside their peers in R & D related national and international implementation of ICT in society and in school, participating in national and international conferences, and publishing our findings in books and magazines.