f Competencias TIC del profesorado universitario





The principal goal of this project is to improve the evaluation processes of teaching activity and its quality through the exploration of ICT competences.

Moreover our proposal is the definition of evaluation indicators about ICT competences (known also as computer literacy, digital competences) of teachers in Spanish Universities, understanding that in the moment in which we live nowadays these competences suppose an important competences core which must be approached from the planification and organization of the educational institutions of Higher Education.

In fact, it is one of the competences that has being considered as transversal competence -or generic- in the universities and also in the new degrees that have being developed in Europe (European Convergence process).

So in this project we define two general objectives wich, at the same time, suggest a series of specific objectives.

  1. To define and to set a catalogue of indicators refered to ICT competences for teaching which are considerer desirable to evaluate in the field of Higher Education, emphasizing in the way in which these indicators can be suggested in models of evaluation and applied observation.

    1. To explore, analize and restate Objetive Indicators for the evaluation of ICT competences in university teachers.

    2. To explore, analize and restate Subjective Indicators for the evaluation of ICT competences in university teachers.

    3. To formulate and validate an instrument for the measuring of the objective indicators formulated in the objective 1.a

    4. To propose an integration mechanism of the subjective indicators- which have being refered in the section 1.b- in models of analyze of good teaching practices in the field of Higher Education

  2. To carry out a proposal, based on those indicators and in an initial observation about them, for the improvement of the ICT competences in university teachers

    1. To describe the ICT competences of a representative sample of spanish university teachers based in objective indicators.

    2. To suggest lines of work for the improvement of the quality in teaching, which are specifically related with the observed state of the competences (objectives indicators) and with the subjective indicators proposed in the catalogue of indicators

    3. To design and to implement a self-assessment instrument on the net, measuring the ICT competences of spanish university teachers.