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Professional aspects. Job vacancies
             Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Translation Studies
Applications are invited for appointment to Senior Lecturer or Lecturer, depending on the career profile of the successful applicant.

January 25, 2011 | Read
             Spanish professor in Japan
The University of Hokkaido is looking for a Spanish professor. 
November 14, 2010 | Read
             Research Assistant, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Applicants should have (i) a higher degree in Chinese Studies, Translation, or a relevant discipline; and (ii) a native speaker's command of English. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in literary translation. Short samples of creative writing/ literary translation should be included in the application. The appointee will mainly assist in the editing of Renditions, an international journal of translations of Chinese literature into English, as well as book projects in the field of translation studies...
October 12, 2010 | Read
             Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
Boston University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics to teach courses in the linguistic analysis of Spanish and in general linguistics, beginning September 2011...
October 05, 2010 | Read
             Spanish Teachers
El IEN - Fundació Institut d'Estudis Nord-americans está buscando 3 profesores de ELE para clases que empiezan el 11 de octubre...
October 05, 2010 | Read
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