Scientific Computing and Parallel Computing Group at the University of Murcia

The group in December 2007: from left to right  José Ginés, Manu, Juan Pedro, Jose Juan, Luis Pedro, Javi and Domingo

Departamento de Informática y Sistemas,

part of the Grupo de Computación Científica y Programación Paralela,

Facultad de Informática

Campus de Espinardo
Aptdo 4021
Universidad de Murcia, SPAIN

Mathematical and statistic modeling. Efficient algorithms. Optimization and autooptimization techniques for sequential and parallel routines, including linear algebra routines and algorithmic schemes.

Computation on parallel systems, including hybrid and heterogeneous systems.
High performance computing, use and development of efficient libraries and metaheuristics for solving scientific and engineering problems (graphic algorithms, quantum chemistry simulation, simultaneous equation systems in econometrics, signal analysis, ...)

Papers and communications


Javier Cuenca Muñoz, Head of the Group, Senior Lecturer at the Departamento de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores, Universidad de Murcia

Domingo Giménez Cánovas, Senior Lecturer at the Departamento de Informática y Sistemas, Universidad de Murcia

Jesús Cámara Moreno, Ph. D. Student

Working on autooptimization on parallel linear algebra routines. Supervised by Javier Cuenca, Luis Pedro García and Domingo Giménez

José Matías Cutillas Lozano, Ph. D. Student

Working on parallel metaheuristic schemes. Supervised by Domingo Giménez.

Luis Pedro García González, Ph. D., Laboratory Technician at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

José Juan López Espín, Ph. D., Assistant Lecturer at the Departamento de Informática, Estadística y Matemática Aplicada, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Laboratory Manager: Luis Pedro García González and Jesús Cámara Moreno

Web Manager: Javier Cuenca Muñoz

Former members

Murilo Do Carmo Boratto, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Juan Pedro Martínez Gallar, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

José Ceferino Ortega Carretero

Manuel Quesada Martínez

José Ginés Picón López, Murcia Supercomputing Center

The group collaborates with important groups in the parallel computing field. In recent years it has collaborated with the High-Performance Computing and Networking Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in different Spanish projects led by Dr. Antonio Vidal on the application of parallel computing to acoustic signal processing.

Ocassionally it has collaborated, collaborates or plans to collaborate with other groups all over the world: the groups of Dr. Rui Rahla at the University of Minho (Portugal), Dr. Robert van de Geijn at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Jack Dongarra at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Francisco Almeida at the University of La Laguna (Spain), Dr. Alexey Lastovetsky at the University College Dublin, Dr. Enrique Quintana at the University Jaume I of Castellón (Spain), Dr. Yves Robert at the Ecole Normale Superieur of Lyon ...