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Work up to now
Work from now on

 Physiology of Reproduction
Universidad de Murcia
Department of Physiology
School of Veterinary
Campus Universitario de Espinardo. 30100 Murcia. Spain
Research activities

Work up to now

Work from now on Projects 
  • Project: ”Contributions to pig genetic improvement through the development of the vitro fertilisation and sperm cryoconservation techniques”. Funded by the Science and Technology Commission (CICYT). 1996-1999.
  • Project: “Development and validation of pig reproductive technologies: sperm cryoconservation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)”. Funded by European Funding for the Development (FEDER).1999-2001. 
  • Co-operation Project: "Preservation and developmental capacity of in vivo and in vitro porcine embryos". Institut of Animal Science and Animal Behaviour. Dept. of Biotechnology. Mariensee (Neustadt), FAL, Germany. Funded by a Bilateral Agreeement Germany-Spain. Years 2000-2002.
  • Enhancement of the in vitro production and transfer of pig embryos obtained by IVF (in vitro fertilization) and ICSI (Introcytoplasmic Sperm Injection).  CICYT. AGL2000-0485-C02-01. 2001-2003.