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Permuting And Removing Terms From A Single Real Array With Integer Indices

Test permuting and removing componenents of an array

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real[int] V=[1,2,2,1,20],C(5), D(5);
cout << " array V. Size of V = " << V << endl;
// indexing
int[int] I(0:4);
cout << " array of indices I = " << I << endl;
cout<<" Permuting indices second and third and nonsetting last entry "<<endl;  
cout << " array of permuted indices I = " << I << endl;
// permuting values on V
cout << "C=V(I) permutation of array V. Size of C = " << C << endl;
cout << " array D(I)=V. Size of D = " << D << endl;
cout << " array I. Size of I = " << I << endl;
for (int i=0;i<I.n;i++)
if (I(i)>=0)
cout<<" i = "<<i<<" I(i) = "<<I(i)<<" V(i)= "<<V[i]<<" ==> D(I(i))= "<<D(I[i])<<endl;
int[int] I1(0:4);
cout << "Again... array of indices I = " << I1 << endl;
cout<< "permuting to remove the 1 from V "<<endl;
int ii=I1(3);
cout << " array of indices I = " << I1 << endl;
cout << " Array V with 1 at the end. Size = " << C << endl;
cout << " Array V without 1. Size = " << C << endl;

return to Matrices and Arrays

Page last modified on April 03, 2014, at 01:02 PM