SS21Sociolinguistics Symposium 21

The International Office at the University of Murcia welcomes you to the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 that will take place from 15 to 18 June.

One of our main objective is the internationalisation of the University of Murcia and we  would like to take this opportunity to meet you in order to introduce our projects and to hear about your plans and potential collaboration between our institutions in which we could assist you.

You are welcome to stop by our information stand that will be located at the Hall of "Aulario de la Merced" close to the wifi area from 10:00 to 13:00.

We are pleased to make available on our website a form for you to leave your contact details either for making an appointment during your stay in Murcia or for future collaboration:

The variety of academics programmes, the possibility of studying Spanish as a second language, our strategic location, Murcia bustling atmosphere, as well as  our mild weather all year round make the University of Murcia an attractive destination for students, professors and researches from all over the world…come and join us!

Requisitos de participación

Podrán participar todos los estudiantes de la Universidad de Murcia que al menos se encuentren en su segundo año de estudios y que residan en la ciudad de Murcia durante todo el curso académico. Se valorará positivamente que tengan conocimiento de una segunda lengua así como que hayan tenido alguna experiencia internacional. Una vez que sean admitidos a participar en el programa deberán asistir a una sesión informativa organizada por el Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales en la que se indicarán sus principales tareas:

  • Mantener contacto con el apadrinado desde su asignación sobre cuestiones informales.
  • Recibir al estudiante y apoyarle en la gestión del alojamiento, ya sea en su instalación o en su búsqueda.
  • Asesorar en trámites administrativos en la universidad y fuera (matrícula, contacto con profesores, visitas médicas, alquiler).
  • Familiarizar al alumno con otros servicios que ofrece la universidad (Servicio de Idiomas, Actividades Deportivas, a…)
  • Realizar una memoria de actividades en las que se reflejen al menos 25 horas de actividades conjuntas con el estudiante apadrinado.

Reconocimiento académico

 Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Murcia que hayan participado en esta actividad y cuya memoria de actividades sea valorada positivamente por una Comisión creada a tal efecto por personal de Relaciones Internacionales y Coordinadores Internacionales podrán obtener reconocimiento académico de 1 crédito CRAU por alumno apadrinado con un máximo de 3 créditos siguiendo las normas de reconocimiento de créditos en actividades universitarias (CRAU). Se deberán haber cumplido al menos 25 horas de actividad conjunta para que la memoria sea evaluada.

Este reconocimiento queda recogido en el artículo 9 del Reglamento sobre Reconocimiento y Transferencia de créditos en las enseñanzas de Grado y Máster conducentes a la obtención de los correspondientes títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Murcia, aprobado en Consejo de Gobierno de 25 de mayo de 2009.

Tal y como indica la Resolución de la Secretaría General (SG-10/2011) de 28 de julio por la que se dictan instrucciones para la aplicación de las normas de reconocimiento de créditos en actividades universitarias (CRAU), aprobadas en Consejo de Gobierno de 29 de julio de 2009, el órgano responsable de su acreditación será el Jefe de Área de Relaciones Internacionales con el VºBº del Vicerrectorado de Investigación e Internacionalización.

Os ofrecemos el Programa Padrino para hacer más fácil vuestra nueva vida en Murcia. Estudiantes de la Universidad de Murcia contactarán contigo para ofrecer su ayuda y su amistad a vuestra llegada a Murcia.  

El Programa Padrino te ofrece apoyo lingüístico, información sobre la vida en la ciudad y en la universidad.

Algunas de las cosas que tu Buddy puede hacer por ti son: ayudarte a conocer el campus, localizar supermercados o bancos cerca de la Universidad, explicarte cómo sacar un libro de la biblioiteca, ayudar en la búsqueda de alojamiento, encontrarse para tomar un café y charlar…  


Arriving in a new country can be exciting, but can also give rise to difficulties. The Buddy Programme provides a helping hand as you settle down and get to know student life. The International Office at Universty of Murcia organises the Buddy Programme as a service for international students.

Buddies are students at University of Murcia who introduce you to the Murcia way of life.  In order to attend the activities arranged within the Buddy Programme you need to enroll. You can submit your application under the related information. 

The International Welcome Point (IWP) is an entrance to those students, professors, researchers and managers interested in studying or staying at our university. The IWP gives orientation and assistance, before and during the stay at the UMU, in issues such as accommodation, legalization, Spanish courses or telematic access. Moreover, we have the Buddy Programme which eases the integration of international students in the university life and in the Spanish community.

The University of Murcia is a public institution of Higher Education which pursues academic and scientific excellence through an international influence. Its main activities are focused on research, training and cooperation projects, exchange programmes, bilingual education and the promotion of double-degrees. Even though, its origin dates back to the thirteenth century; its establishment dates from 1915, so its first centenary will be in 2015.

It hosts more than 31.000 students, around 1.000 of them international. We offer:

The University of Murcia has 5 different campuses. Each one of them has its distinguishing elements, but all of them have the objective of meeting the global needs of the society and those individual needs of the students. La Merced campus is a historical space with an urban character, it is the origin of the university and it is where are the Arts degrees  are. Espinardo campus is the place where the greater part of the degree and postgraduate studies and research centers are brought together. Medical and Health Studies Campus is located in Ciudad Sanitaria Virgen de la Arrixaca where the students have direct contact with the community. Thanks to the Sports Sciences campus and the Lorca campus the university is present in different places of the Region. The first one is site for Sports Sciences due to its location near the sea and the second for Health Sciences.

Mapa de la UMU

Campus Mare Nostrum 37 /38 is the International Excellence Campus for Higher Education and Research of the University of Murcia (UM) and the University of Cartagena (UPCT). The campus is a joint effort of international organizations, research centres, technology parks, companies and the administration, which seeks to transform the Region of Murcia into a focus of international, high-quality education, science, business and culture in the Mediterranean area.

Guía de la ciudad de Murcia para estudiantes internacionales (ESP/ENG): Murcia, ciudad universitaria, ciudad para vivirla / University city, a city to experiency first-hand

The Region of Murcia lies at the centre of the Spanish Mediterranean coastal arch. In terms of surface area the region of Murcia is the ninth largest of the Spanish autonomous communities. As a result of its intense historical tradition, the reiterative superposition of cultures, its strategic location as a Mediterranean enclave and its transitional character as a border territory mid-way between the Meseta and Andalusia, the Region of Murcia retains innumerable vestiges of the past, making it an ideal meeting-point.

Murcia city:

Region of Murcia: