Raquel Colado Manero

Predoctoral researcher (FPI-MCIU)
Dept. Ecology & Hidrology (UMU)

  • MSc in Biodiversity. Autonomous University of Madrid, 2014.
  • B. Sc. in Biology. University of Alcalá, 2013.

email: raquel.colado@um.es

Research lines:

- Taxonomy and faunistic of terristrial arthropods.
- Physiology, ecology and evolution of subterranean fauna.
- Thermal tolerance and climate change vulnerability of subterranean fauna.
- Fire ecology and biotic interations.
- Biodiversity in Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS).

Career history:

2019-present. Predoctoral researcher. Department of Ecology and Hydrology, University of Murcia. Murcia (Spain). 
2019-2018. Predoctoral researcher. Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Toledo (Spain).

- 01/07/15-31/12/16(18 months). Technician.
Center: Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CIDE, Valencia, Spain).
Theme: Fire ecology and diversity of arthropods.

- 01/09/12-01/09/14. Start of the research.
Center: Department of Life Sciences. Unisersity of Alcalá (UAH, Madrid, Spain).
Theme: Identification of arthropods and Initiation into the study of the subterranean enviroment.  


PALLARES, S.; COLADO, R.; PEREZ FERNANDEZ, T.; WESENER, T.; RIBERA, I.; SANCHEZ-FERNANDEZ, D. (2019) Heat tolerance and acclimation capacity in subterranean arthropods living under common and stable thermal conditions. Ecology and Evolution, 9:13731–13739.

D. GILGADO, J.; COLADO, R.; PRIETO, C.; CALATAYUD, J.; M.ORTUÑO, V. (Pending) On the biology of Dicranolasma soerensenii Thorell, 1876 (Opiliones, Dicranolasmatidae) and its presence in the MSS: Taking shelter underground?.