Dialects of Written Arabic
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Dialects of Written Arabic

Un interesante artículo que analiza, desde el punto de vista del traductor, la supuesta estandaridad del llamado Modern Standard Arabic:

As opposed to its numerous, somewhat mutually unintelligible regional spoken vernaculars, formal written Arabic is generally regarded by its users as constituting a single standard across the entire Arab world. Regardless of this perception, translators and interpreters are aware that written Arabic also demonstrates regional variations. [...] Just as there are dialects of spoken Arabic, there are also dialects of written Arabic.
(David Wilmsen y Riham Osama Youssef, "Regional standards and local routes in adoption techniques for specialised terminologies in the dialects of written Arabic", JoSTrans. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 11 (enero 2009), 191-210.)

Antonio Giménez Reíllo (Universidad de Murcia), 2024.
URL original: /docencia/antanins/cms/node/1025